Marian Keyes - Lucy Sullivan Is Getting Married

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Book: Marian Keyes - Lucy Sullivan Is Getting Married by Marian Keyes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marian Keyes
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bleeding again. "What a blast," she went on, laughing in earnest, blood pouring in Nia- graesque fashion down the side of her face. "Yeah, I got my big split, all right. Just like she said. I can't see what good has come out of it, though."

    "Maybe all will become clear with time," said Meredia, in a mysterious voice and giving Shane pseudo-covert looks and winking meaningfully at Megan and then jerking her head in Shane's direction again.

    "If you know what I mean..." continued Meredia, with heavy emphasis.

    "Yeah, maybe," laughed Megan lightheartedly.

    I wasn't sure if Meredia had Shane in mind for herself or Megan, but past experience told me that Meredia wanted him for her own. That situ- ation had her hallmark stamped all over it.

    Although, by rights, he really should have been Megan's. Didn't she break his fall? And she handled the whole trauma so bravely that she de- served a treat.

    "So now it's just you and Hetty, Lucy," said Megan. "Soon it'll be your turn for your fortune to come true."

    "Do the words `cold day' and `in hell' mean anything to you?" I asked, laughing.

    "Oooh, you doubting Thomas," admonished Meredia. "But you have to admit that it is peculiar."

    "No, I don't," I said. "Don't be so silly! You can adjust any facts to fit into any predictions if you try hard enough."

    "Such cynicism in one so young," said Meredia, shaking her head sadly.

    "Has anyone seen my radio?" croaked Shane, coming to again. "I've got to talk to my controller."

    "Shush, lovie, it's fine," said Meredia comfortingly, as she forced his head down onto her shoulder. 60 / marian keyes

    He mumbled some kind of protest, but it didn't do him any good.

    "Just you wait," Meredia said threateningly to me, talking over Shane's confused head. "You'll see. It'll all come true. And then you'll be sorry."

    I smiled longsufferingly at Megan, expecting her to smile longsufferingly back but to my great alarm, she didn't. She was too busy nodding agreement with Meredia.

    Golly, I thought, my stomach tightening with shock, could her brain have been affected by the accident? I mean, Megan was possibly the most cynical person that I'd ever met, including myself--and I prided myself on having the highest standards of cynicism. I had my days when I was sure I could out-cynic some of the best cynics currently operating on the circuit.

    Megan, like me, was so cynical that she didn't even like Daniel. "He doesn't fool me with his nice manners and his good looks," she had said after she first met him.

    So what had happened to her?

    Surely she didn't think that the predictions for herself and Meredia had come true? And worse again, surely she didn't think that because of that, that the predictions for Hetty and me would come true?

    Eventually, when the nurses had run out of heart-attack victims and other nearly dead people to deal with, they stitched up Megan's face and said that Shane wasn't concussed, that he was just diligent.

    We were all finally allowed to leave.

    "Where do you live?" Meredia asked Shane, as we stood in the hospital carpark.

    "Greenwich," he said warily.

    That was in south London. Very south London.

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    "What a stroke of luck," said Meredia quickly. "We can get a taxi home together."

    "But..." I started to protest, about to remind Meredia that she lived in Stoke Newington--which was northeast London--nowhere near Greenwich.

    But Meredia fixed me with a murderous glare and my protests died away.

    "But I've got to get my bike," said Shane backing away in fear. "And I really have to deliver these documents."

    "Don't be so silly," said Meredia, all faux-cheerful. "You can do that to- morrow. Come on now. Night, girls, see you both at work in the morning.

    "If I'm able to walk," she muttered in an aside--one that was loud enough for Shane to hear and flinch at.

    "Know what I mean, eh?" she leered, gesturing in the direction of her crotch. And with a final meaningful wink off

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