Marcus Aurelius Betrayed

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Book: Marcus Aurelius Betrayed by Alan Scribner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alan Scribner
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    T he word of Secundus’ arrest was all over the building in minutes. Within a half hour the Prefect was at Judge Severus’ apartment in the Hadrianum.
    “What’s this all about?” he asked with a worried look as soon as he and the judge were alone.
    Severus took the Prefect into the open air peristyle where they could enjoy the late afternoon breeze blowing off the sea. They strolled around the colonnade while Severus gave Calvus a brief explanation, reviewing the absence of corroboration for Ganymede’s confession, the accounts of the women at the House of Selene exonerating Ganymede and the story of the court torturer indicating the use of excessive force to coerce a confession.
    “I’m sorry,” concluded Severus, stopping and facing the Prefect. “I know Secundus is your stepson, but I have been given full judicial authority by the Emperor himself, and I find myself in circumstances where the law compels me to use it. Your stepson appears to have committed judicial murder under the
Lex Cornelia
    Severus paused. “Under our dual penalty system he doesn’t face the death penalty because he’s an Equestrian, and therefore an
, but exile or relegation to an island for life are possible.”
    Calvus sat down on a bench, bowed his head into his hands and stayed that way a long time. Then he looked up. “You know, Judge Severus, this puts me in a delicate position. On the one hand, I can understand that the young man may have been a bit over-eager, perhaps irresponsible, in his conduct of the investigation. But he is my stepson and I’m obligated to protect him. I owe that to his mother, may she rest in peace. You must expect me to exert every public effort in his behalf, though I hope you won’t take it personally.”
    Severus nodded understandingly. The Prefect walked over to the lotus pool in the center of the peristyle.
    “When Secundus first told me about Ganymede’s confession, I found it a little hard to believe. Not, you understand, because I didn’t observe him near the table -- I was, unfortunately, too drunk to remember anything. But I couldn’t believe that Ganymede would do something so foolish as to try to kill me, even if he fancied that his wife and I were intimate. But I questioned him myself and he repeated his confession. I had no choice then but to allow the law to take its course.”
    “Prefect,” replied Severus, “your position is even more delicate than you say. Because if Ganymede didn’t poison your wine, then someone else did. And the person who did it has not been apprehended. He may make another attempt to kill you.”
    “I see,” replied the Prefect. “What then do you suggest, Judge Severus?”
    “First, I’m assigning a squad of marines from the ship that brought me here to serve as your personal bodyguard until we find the murderer.”
    “Really, judge, is this all necessary. I have a personal bodyguard headed by a former gladiator. He’ll...”
    Severus held up his hand. “It is necessary, Prefect. I’m responsible to the Emperor to see that you remain alive. I would be remiss in my duty if I failed to take such a simple precaution. Your bodyguard didn’t prevent this attempt so I must insist on the increased protection.”
    The Prefect gave in with a shrug.
    “Now, from the accounts of the women, it appears that at least ten people had an opportunity to reach your drinking cup. The Isis priest, Petamon, Isarion the antique dealer, your aide Serpentinus, Secundus, the two young slave girls who served your table, and the three
at the head couches -- Aurora, the courtesan at your couch, Zoe the
with Pudens and Pulcheria, the courtesan with Petamon. However Philogenes never left his couch, so he couldn’t have done it.”
    “Secundus is also out,” shot back Calvus. “Even if he doesn’t honor me as his stepfather, he knows I am in the process of legally adopting him as my son. This will

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