Lured From the Path

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Book: Lured From the Path by Lola White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lola White
Tags: dark fantasy, shapeshifter, obsession, vila, spirit in the woods
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the woods to wrap David’s senses in wonderment. An
accompanying flash of white drew him on. He held his camera at the
ready, but uncertainty filled him.
    Bushes rustled as he stepped into a small,
circular clearing. Here, the moon was brighter, though its time was
growing short and its light wasn’t strong. It cast a gentle silver
glow over everything so, as his eyes followed the shaking of the
underbrush, he had no trouble seeing the woman’s face peering past
a tree.
    She had wide-set eyes over high cheekbones.
Her face was a perfect oval, topped with a long fall of hair the
shade of warm honey. Her rosebud lips were full, sending wicked
fantasies streaking though his mind. She was exquisitely delicate,
lushly sensual.
    “Hello?” David took another step forward, but
she pulled back behind a sticky pine.
    Her face appeared on the other side of the
trunk. She stared at him for a long moment, her gaze traveling from
his head to his toes. She smiled a sweet smile.
    “You are not from here.”
    His stomach clenched at the beauty of her
voice, his ears demanded he respond so she would keep talking. “No.
I’m American.”
    She frowned, shrugged. “You speak like me,
but you are not from here.”
    “My grandfather is Polish.”
    Her eyes went dewy and her lips molded into a
pout. “Can you help me?”
    David stepped forward. “Are you hurt?
    “Please, come with me. I’ll show you.”
    He studied her delicate features, her unlined
cheeks, the wide-eyed innocence tempting him. She beckoned but he
hesitated. “How old are you?”
    She smiled. “Old.”
    He shook his head. “Who are you? What’s your
    “You can call me…Willa.”
    She stepped back from the tree into a swath
of moonlight. It coasted over her body with a loving touch,
illuminating the perfection of her naked flesh, her honey hair.
David looked his fill but held still, grabbing for his control.
    She was small-framed, but nearly as tall as
him. Her long legs molded into gorgeously curved hips, flaring from
an impossibly tiny waist. Her torso was delicate, nearly too small
to hold her large breasts, perfectly placed and tipped with nipples
of the deepest red.
    She was his fantasy, come to life.
    “Where are your clothes?”
    She waved a long arm toward the dark forest
behind her. “There. Please come.” She edged back into the tree
    Doubts crowded his thoughts, but they were
muted, disconnected. She was in need, a pretty woman, naked and
alone in the woods. He’d been warned there would be little help
this deep in the forest. Who knew how long she’d been waiting for
    She hummed a tune that melded seamlessly into
the gentle breeze stroking over David’s arms. The waning moon
highlighted the plea in her eyes as she lifted a hand to beckon him
again. He followed.

Chapter 3

    He followed her through the trees, listening
to the tune of her laughter and song. The deeper they went, the
more she sang. His thoughts slowed, focused entirely on the sounds
of her simple enjoyment, but energy flooded his body, loosening his
    They stopped in another circle of trees. She
spun toward him, stepping close. He could feel the heat of her
lithe body as she stared up at him. Lazy spirals of heat worked up
his spine as he became lost in her moss green eyes.
    “Dance with me.”
    Distantly surprised by her request, he barely
managed a nod. His arms came around her, palms soaking up the
silken feel of her skin like a sponge as she lifted to her toes and
leaned her body against his. So delicate, so warm, she felt perfect
against him.
    Slowly, she began to hum, swaying her hips to
her melody. Her body became fluid against his. She dipped and
twisted, rubbing her breasts over his shirt, her flat belly sliding
over the cotton. Her hands smoothed over his shoulders, his chest,
drifting over his ribs as she moved around him.
    His groin grew heavy. His world narrowed down
to her and her song, moving his body to her rhythm as they

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