Loving Hart

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Book: Loving Hart by Ella Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Fox
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longer period of time, I’d have been selfish enough to ask for a longer commitment from Delilah.  As it is, I’m taking up every available second of her time until Damien comes back to town.   I’ve got one shot with her, and I’m going to make every moment count since these memories are going to have to last me for a long time .  
    I was picking her up from Dominique's apartment, and t he drive there seemed to take forever .  I was so excited when I finally arrive d that I bu rst out laughing.  I wasn’t that nervous losing my own virginity! As I was pulling up, I saw Delilah walking towards me with a rolling weekend bag.  Hopping out of the car, I mad e my way onto the side walk to grab her bag.  She looked beautiful , as always.  Her long blonde hair wa s wavy and loose, and her blue eyes sparkle d when she looked at me . 
    You’d think she would have b e e n nervous, but not my Delilah.  With a laugh , she launched herself at me just like she always has, wrapping herself around me for a huge hug and a kiss.  The only difference between this hug and any of the millions of others that we’ve shared is that it went on for quite a bit longer , because ne ither of us immediately let go. I need ed these few moments to soak her in before the drive.  Grasping her chin in my hand, I tilt ed her head back and claim ed her mouth with mine.
    Our kiss wa s hotter than a thousand suns on a summer day, both of us completely forgett ing that we were standing on a public sidewalk in front of her sister's apartment .  I’d meant to kiss her, not devour her, but that’s exactly what I wound up doing. The thing that finally broke us apart wa s the sound of someone coughing.  Pullin g away, I saw that Dominique was on the sidewalk, approaching us.
    “Hey dumb ass!  How about y ou get on your way before someone sees you and thinks it’s me making out with you.  Ew . ”
    If it were anyone but Dominique, I’d have be en mortified.  She has a way about her that has always made me laugh, and it didn't fail to do so right then .  “My bad.  I’ll have her back safe and sound Sunday night.  You be good this weekend!”
    Smirking at me, she wiggled her eyebrows.  “I’d advise you to do the same, but I know you’re about to be very, very bad. Have fun!”  With a throaty laugh, Dominique tu rned and wandered back into her apartment building , leaving Delilah and I breathless , but alone.
    Taking her bag, I thre w it into the trunk before opening the passenger door for her.  I smile d when she brushed past me, the smell that is all hers teasing my nostrils.  She started wearing Ralph Lauren’s “Romance” when she was sixteen, and I’ve bought her a bottle for every birthday since then.  It blends perfectly with the fresh scent of her shampoo, body wash and her own natural scent.  If I could bottle her, I would.
    Climbing into the car, I start ed the engine and then turn to face her.  “We’re going to my house in Malibu for the weekend, unless you have any objection.  Are you ready for this?”
    Without an ounce of hesitation, she smiled at me.  “Yes.  I’m ready for you, for us.”
    Us.  In m y wildest fucking dreams, she's always the star, and we' re together.
    If only there could be an “us” in real life right now .

Chapter Six: Delilah
    I’ve been polished and primped to within an inch of my life.  Am I ready?  Hell yes , I’m ready.  It’s a miracle I lasted this long!  I had to hold myself back from going to him every night this week.   When he went down on me last weekend , he started a fire in me that my fingers have not been able to even put a dampener on this week. I’m more than ready for the magic that I know we are going to create together. 
    I know it isn’t time for us to be a couple, at least not yet, but I want him with a ferocity that won’t quit.  I thought I’d hit the lottery when he told me that his condition for taking my virginity was a month

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