Love Song

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Book: Love Song by Sharon Gillenwater Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharon Gillenwater
Tags: Christian Contemporary Romance
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equals thirty-nine sections or thirty-nine square miles.”
    She whistled softly. “Not too shabby.”
    “There are bigger ranches around, but we’re doing all right. Aunt Della’s grandfather started the ranch. Each generation has added to it.” He glanced up at the position of the sun. “We’d better head back. It will start cooling off soon, and we have quite a little hike to the pickup.”
    They walked along the dry portion of the sandy, occasionally rocky, creek bed in silence, listening to the bubbling music of the shallow stream that flowed beside them. Tall, bright green grass grew along the banks near the water, with mesquites and weeping willows for a backdrop. Andi didn’t think she had ever been in such a tranquil place. Nature’s hushed sounds seeped into her soul, giving her a momentary sense of peace.
    They were halfway back to the pickup when weariness began to settle over her. She didn’t say anything and fought the fatigue, hoping that complete exhaustion wouldn’t hit her. For most of the afternoon, she had forgotten about being in the recovery stages of a serious illness. She had felt almost normal, relaxed and happier than she had been in ages. She silently railed against her unwanted limitations.
    When they reached a narrow point where they could jump across the stream, she decided to take off her shoes in case she couldn’t make it. She tossed them over the water to the other side.
    He stopped with a frown. “You aren’t thinking about wading across, are you?”
    “No, but I’m not sure I can jump that far. It looks wider than when we crossed earlier.”
    Wade raised one eyebrow. “It’s not.” He slid his arm around her back, supporting her weight, and frowned again. “Andi, why didn’t you tell me you were getting tired? You’re trembling.”
    Before she realized his intention, he had swung her up in his arms. “Wade, you don’t have to carry me. I just need to rest a minute. I’ll be okay.”
    “Quiet woman,” he said sternly, then softened his command with a smile. “Relax and enjoy it. I’m going to.”
    Andi laughed and put her arms around his neck. “If you want to act macho, I won’t stop you. You do it so well.”
    He winked. “And don’t you forget it.” Clearing the water with one long step, he stopped so she could retrieve her shoes. Then he picked her up again and quickly covered the remaining distance with his easy stride.
    Andi felt a twinge of regret when they reached the pickup, and he gently set her feet on the ground. “Thanks. I hate to admit it, but I’m worn out.”
    “You should have said something.” He opened the pickup door, put his hands to her waist, and lifted her up on the seat.
    “You’re right, but it irritates the life out of me to give in to it.”
    “I do believe you’re as stubborn as you are pretty.”
    How was she supposed to respond to that one? She decided not to even try. Instead, she slumped down, resting her head on the back of the seat. “Home, James.”
    He touched the brim of his hat. “Yes, ma’am.”
    When they arrived at his house, he pointed toward the sofa. “You can nap there as long as you like, unless you want me to take you on home.”
    She was practically falling asleep standing up, but she didn’t want to leave. “I might perk up if I rest awhile.” She paused by the back door, slipped off her sandy shoes, and went straight to the sofa. He stopped, too, using a cast iron bootjack to remove his boots, then brought her a heavy afghan, pillow, and a cold glass of water.
    After taking a long drink, she lay down on the sofa. Wade was at her side in an instant, pulling the afghan up over her, tucking it around her shoulders and under her chin. “You’ll make a good daddy,” she murmured.
    A strange, deep sadness filled his eyes. “I hope I get the chance someday.” He brushed her cheek with his knuckle. “Have a good rest, songbird.”
    For the next two hours, Wade relaxed in his recliner and watched

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