Love Is a State of Mind: Nobody's Life is Perfect

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Book: Love Is a State of Mind: Nobody's Life is Perfect by Sarah Catherine Knights Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Catherine Knights
Tags: Chick lit, divorce, Love Story, Women, Relationships, Retirement
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and then go to Costa and get a bucket of coffee.”
    Any nerves that Adam had felt in the car, seemed to disappear in the company of his friend – they were writing status updates on their phones, as they joined the queue and discussing which films they were going to watch on the plane.   We shuffled along with them; when they reached the head of the queue and their rucksacks disappeared behind the flaps, the reality really began to hit me.
    Laura and I sent them over to a free table in the café and for the last time, I bought my son a coffee and a huge piece of chocolate cake.  I bought myself a skinny latte, which was rather pointless, as I couldn’t resist a large flapjack.  “Still half-heartedly dieting, I see,” said Laura, grinning. “Why don’t you just give in to middle-aged spread, like me?”
    “You never seem to change shape at all.  I’ve only got to look at a piece of chocolate, to put on weight.”
    “Who cares?” said Adam.  “Just be happy with who you are, Mum.  Eat what you like, life’s too short.”
    “Says he, who’s always trying to become an Adonis with a six-pack, in the gym,” I said.  “You wait till you’re my age – you’ll see the problem.  You’re right, though, life’s too short,” I repeated, stuffing the flapjack into my mouth.  “Anyway … tell me about life down in Cornwall – how’s the gallery going?”
    “Fine … yea, fine.  The summer’s been really busy, so far.  Thank God for tourists.  It’s dead in the winter.  John’s job’s going well.  We’ve just heard that he’s been given deputy head, so we’re really pleased.”
    “His tendencies towards world domination can be given free reign,” said Jake, sarcastically.  “Thank Christ I’m not there any more.  How horrendous would that have been.”
    “Now you can see how I’ve suffered, can’t you?” said Adam.  “Being at the same school as your teaching parents is bad enough, without one of them being Head.  Especially when he makes a complete dick of himself by going off with a woman half his age.  God …”
    “Adam, don’t talk about your father like that.”
    “Well, what does he expect?  He’s an idiot.  I guarantee when I get back from Oz, she’ll have got bored with him and he’ll be out on his ear … serve him right.”
    Laura and I exchanged glances.  We’d discussed the situation endlessly on the phone, so she knew everything there was to know.  She said, “You two will find out that life isn’t as straightforward as you think.  It’s not all surfing and parties.  We parents make mistakes and do stupid things too, you know.”
    “Too bloody right,” said Jake grinning at her.  “I know you’re on Adam’s friend list, Anna, but there’s no way I’d let my mother anywhere near mine.”
    “Oh well, I’ll pass on any info to your mum, anyway so …”
    “I’ll make sure that nothing of any note gets on my wall, anyway,” said Adam.  “All you’ll see is innocent pictures of us – you won’t be able to glean anything.  Trust me.”
    “You will promise to ring if you have any problems, won’t you?” I said.
    “Yes, Mum … don’t fuss.  It’s going to be fine.  Jake’s family will help if there’s anything – if I have my leg bitten off by a shark, I’ll drop you a line.”
    “Oh, for God’s sake, Adam, don’t even think about it … and make sure you wear factor thirty at least … “
    “Mum … STOP it … we’ll be fine.  I’m a big boy now – cut the cord.”
    “Well, that’s nice …” said Laura.  “Your mum’s just looking out for you, Adam.  You’re lucky to have parents who care …”
    “Mum, don’t you start,” said Jake, “don’t start the whole there are kids out there whose parents don’t care what happens to them bit.  We know we’re lucky, but there comes a time when a man has to leave the tent and go out and kill food for himself, you know.  If we were in some African tribe,

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