Love Always, Kate

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Book: Love Always, Kate by D.nichole King Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.nichole King
“You’re welcome. I noticed the rose on your diary and took a chance. Are you hungry?”
    “Um .” I hadn’t known what to expect. The note hadn’t gone into details, so I’d munched on some crackers and cheese on the drive. “Yeah.”
    He reached over and took my hand. “Come on, then.”
    His touch surprised me, and I almost pulled back. The warmth sent waves of electricity through me. I didn’t want him to let go, but I didn’t want him touching me, either. There were too many unanswered questions. I still didn’t know if I was angry at him, or if I’d forgiven him.
    Damian led me into the den. The dark curtains were drawn and the lights off. The fireplace danced wit h flames casting a glow over the room. On the floor lay a blanket with a vase of red roses in the middle, and two covered plates of food.
    I squeezed Damian’s hand without thinking. The place looked incredible, like something out of a sappy romance novel.
    “Do you like lobster? You’re not allergic, are you?”
    I looked up at him. The corner of his mouth was turned up , and one of his eyebrows rose.
    “I don’t know, actually,” I breathed. “Did you cook?”
    He laughed. “Take out.”
    Damian led me to the blanket and motioned for me to sit. He lifted out a bottle of wine and poured himself a glass.
    “I…,” I started.
    “Non-alcoholic.” He tipped the bottle over my glass.
    I smiled timidly. “Sure.” Even though the atmosphere of the room was romantic and…well, gorgeous, I still felt like darting out the door, climbing into my car, and making a quick getaway. The wine glass was in my hand before Damian put the bottle back on ice. I took small sips, making sure not to make eye contact. The wineless wine didn’t taste all that great, but it gave me something to do.
    “That good, huh?” Damian asked grinning.
    Keeping my eyes on the floor, I said, “Uh, it’s all right.”
    “Look, I’m not very good at this.” He scratched his head and sighed. “You know, why don’t we eat first—before it gets cold?”
    Damian reached over and lifted the silver lid off my plate. Sitting in front of me, staring at me, was a giant lobster surrounded by rice and asparagus. I’d never had lobster before. I picked up my fork and poked at the hard exterior. It sounded hollow. Damian snickered under his breath as he watched me toy with the dead crustacean. I clicked on it again with my fork, this time harder. Sebastian flopped off my plate onto the blanket. Damian, who had just taken a drink, almost spit it out of his nose. I cleared my throat and lifted my eyes.
    “Sorry.” He bit his lower lip, balled up his hand, and rested his chin on it, covering the smirk on his face.
    After lifting the bottom-dweller back on my plate, I jabbed my fork into a string of asparagus and stuck it in my mouth. Damian did the same. When my vegetables and rice were gone, I was left with the bright red bug. Since my host had yet to break into his, I was on my own to try to figure out how to eat the thing. I wondered if that was his plan—wait it out and have a good laugh.
    I took a sip from my wine glass. My stomach growled. I didn’t want to ask for help, so I took my fork and started poking at the hard shell. A chainsaw would have been helpful, but since I didn’t have one in my pocket, I stabbed the lobster with my fork . It worked—sort of. I broke through the shell and small shards of red flew through the air. Damian chuckled, blue glimmers dancing in the light of the fire.
    “There’s an easier way ,” he grinned.
    I glared at him. “Oh?”
    “Want some help?” he asked, trying unsuccessfully to maintain a straight face.
    I sighed, contemplating. No, I didn’t want help, but I had no idea what I was doing.
    Damian didn’t wait for an answer. As soon as he’d asked, he was on his feet and sat down behind me, one leg on either side of mine. “Lobster’s finger food.”
    He wrapped his arms around me, running his hands down my

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