difference, when he called me at ten, it was one in the morning my time. I was usually asleep. But I didn’t want to argue with him. “Okay.” “Alright. Love you.” “Love you too.” I hung up. It pleased me that he always said he loved me when he hung up. We didn’t say those words often, but I was glad he wasn’t afraid to say them in front of other people, particularly Carly. Hearing his voice put me in a better mood. My stomach rumbled in hunger so I left the bedroom and followed the scent of the pork chops. They were sitting on the stove along with a bowl of rice and grilled vegetables. I had to admit, I was impressed. I scooped the food onto my plate then headed back to my room. “You can eat at the table.” Cade’s voice wasn’t harsh and mean like it usually was. He was gentle, hesitant. “You don’t want crumbs in your room, right?” I sighed then came to the table. I sat across from him but one seat over so we weren’t directly facing each other. I picked up my utensils but was surprised to see that the knife was useless. The meat was so tender all I needed was a fork. I took a bite and was impressed, again. Cade stayed quiet, keeping his eyes to his own plate. “This is really good,” I admitted. “Thank you.” Whoa…he has manners? I’d never heard him be humble or nice. What the hell was going on? I shook my head and kept eating. “So…have you talked to Flynn?” he asked. Was he trying to make conversation? “A few times. He seems pretty busy. And the time difference doesn’t help.” He nodded. “He’ll be back soon. I’m sure he hates being apart from you too.” Was he just nice to me again? Weird… “Do you have plans tonight?” Other than missing Flynn, no. “None.” “Well, we can go see a movie or something…” He picked at his vegetables and didn’t look at me. After being a jerk to me for months, he ignored me and refused to look at me. Now he wanted to spend time with me? My head was starting to hurt. I didn’t understand why he was being so nice to me, but I guess asking him about it would get me nowhere. I may as well enjoy the truce for as long as possible. “Sure. I can only lay in bed so long.” “What do you want to see?” “I don’t care. Honestly, I haven’t been keeping up with movies lately.” He nodded. “There’s this romantic comedy that looks pretty good.” Romantic comedy? It didn’t sound like something he’d want to see in a million years. And I didn’t care for chick flicks. “How about a thriller or suspense movie?” He finally eyed me. “You like that kind of stuff?” “My favorite movie is Close Encounters of the Third Kind .” “You like sci-fi movies?” “Yeah. Why is that surprising?” He shrugged. “I don’t know. There’s a new Tom Cruise movie out.” “Let’s watch that.” “Cool.” He pulled up his phone then looked at the movie times. “There’s one in twenty minutes.” I finished my food then pushed my plate aside. “Let me change and we’ll go.” “Okay.” He picked up the dishes and washed them in the sink. I stared at his back incredulously before I walked into my bedroom. Seriously, what was with Cade? He was a completely different person. I changed and didn’t dwell on it. In five minutes, I was ready. I still looked like hell because I was depressed, but whatever. There was no one to impress. We left the apartment then walked to the multiplex. Cade walked with his hands in his pockets and stared straight ahead. Every time someone passed me on the street, I thought it was Flynn. I saw him everywhere. When we reached the line, Cade paid for both our tickets. Another surprise. “Did you want any snacks?” he asked. This was getting weirder and weirder. “No thank you. I’m full.” “Okay.” We walked into the theatre and took our seats. I leaned back against the chair and slouched. Without Flynn around, I really had no vigor for life. The movie