Lost In Time: A Fallen Novel

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Book: Lost In Time: A Fallen Novel by Christie Palmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christie Palmer
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nor felt anything except pure torture in the thick silence between the two of them. Marcus hadn’t said more than a handful of words to her since her comments or lack of comments at the hotel. She thought he was acting like a child, but wasn’t about to say that to him after the way he had reacted to the other advice she had given him. It surprised her and she chewed on that thought while she waited for sunset. He was a Fallen, and she pictured him as a calm and serene man. But since they had met, he hadn’t lived up to any of her expectations.
    “Are you sure your intel is correct?” she accused. Her irritation got the better of her.
    Marcus didn’t even turn to her. “Sometimes being quiet and watching gives you more information than an informant.”
    Celeste bit her tongue, refraining from telling him exactly what she thought of that idea. “Fine, we shall do what you want and wait.” She launched herself up onto a fourth floor balcony and away from Marcus. She needed to get away from him; his smell was driving her nuts, making her a lot more agitated than usual. They had been together for twenty-four hours and had pissed each other off several times. And her feelings were tossing from irritation to sexual awareness and back to irritation. How was she supposed to work with Marcus? She glared down at him as he blended into the shadows.
    Celeste played back the last conversation she had with Victor before they had all come to the mortal plan. “You’ll need to build a relationship with him,” Victor had explained.
    “This from the man who told me to stay away from him?” Celeste had thrown back.
    “Things have changed, Celeste. I won’t lose you. You will do as I ask,” Victor said with feeling.
    So here she was with a man that didn’t trust, because she had breed distrust with him by refusing to answer his questions. And to top it off they were in a deadly situation. It would be nice to have back up she herself could trust. She racked her brain trying to come up with a way to build a relationship with Marcus.
    Easier said than done. She had lived her entire life in the Infernos. Either creatures where terrified of her, or they had no idea who and what she was. She remained in the background. She was a shadow lost in the Infernos. Now she was at a loss as to how to communicate with her new partner, much less how to build a damn rapport with him. She cursed Victor and his stupid ideas.
    Crouching down, she blended into the shadows of the metal balcony she stood on and watched the dark street below her. She couldn’t see him, but she knew exactly where he was. The smell of a car exhaust and day old trash mixed with the smell of the water off to the east.
    They didn’t move as darkness swept through the city and Celeste was focused completely on Marcus, so the warning bells of something moving in on her came a little too late.
    She froze as the feeling eclipsed her own musings; something tingled at the base of her brain. It shivered down her spine. She breathed out; calming herself she focused on the feeling. Something or somebody was perched on the edge of the building directly above her. She could almost feel the brush of Calliope’s black wings as they swayed in the salty sea infused air.
    She heard him draw in a breath and then a gush of an exhale as he realized who and what she was. His cold exhale chilled her to the bone. She couldn’t control the shiver that worked through her body.
    “Sister.” The words oozed over her like burnt oil. “Are you sure you fight for the right side?” The words whispered over her right shoulder, but she knew he hadn’t moved from his perch. He wanted her to turn to the right. He was testing her.
    “And what is right, Calliope?” she asked not even trying to deny who and what she was.
    “Ah now that is the question of the day is it not? Father was smart in hiding you from me while in the Infernos. I could have feasted on you.” He chuckled and the sound made her

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