“How could I have missed it?” He shook his head in disgust as he handed her back her sketchbook and escorted her to the door.
“You were listening to what the men were saying. You had to concentrate on the information they were giving you and evaluate it in terms of what you yourself have discovered. You could not pay attention to their facial expressions and their hands as well."
“You are being kind. Thank you, though. You do see a great deal in people that the rest of the world does not. What do you see in me, I wonder?” Mark opened the door for her and accompanied her down the steps and into the street.
“I see a man—a proud man, a man who knows he can rely on his strength and his resourcefulness to take care of himself in any situation. But I also see a troubled man."
“Troubled? What would there be to trouble me, pray tell, other than the usual killing and death that is part of war?"
“I do not know yet. But it is more than the usual dangers and discomforts that are every soldier's lot. It is a deeper sadness, I think.” She was treading on dangerous ground. She could see it in the tension around his mouth and the whiteness of his knuckles as his hands clenched at his sides. “But I am an artist and in addition to depicting landscapes and faces faithfully, I try to invest them with drama and passion. You have said so yourself, I believe, or at least you have implied it. Perhaps I sometimes see drama where there is none."
“So I have,” he responded lightly, relieved that she had let it go at that. Sophia Featherstonaugh saw a great deal and understood even more. Sometimes it was too much for him to deal with, and certainly more than he wished her to see. “But now I must take you home so that I can get word to your stepfather as to where he should send his reserves."
“And will you join your regiment if there is to be a major battle?"
“I sincerely hope so. What you heard today was a little more on the order of major skirmishing, but as you can see, the French have still not committed the bulk of their forces. If we are to drive them back into France we must seize the opportunity to strike at the major body of their troops and force them back across the Pyrenees before the weather becomes too cold. Even now I have heard that it can snow in some of the higher passes. If we do not push them beyond the Pyrenees then we shall have to spend another winter in Spain."
“Yes, that is what Sir Thornton says. Well, Mama and I are always ready to move at a moment's notice, though I have enjoyed it here. Everyone complains about the fleas, but it is pretty here and the people are interesting, strong, and self-reliant. It is a place full of possibilities for an artist."
“But a rather rough one for a young lady. Do you not long for more society, the balls and soirees, the dancing and flirting that are the main preoccupations of every well brought-up young woman I have ever known?"
They had crossed the street and walked down it until they were standing under the wooden balcony over the door of Sophia's quarters.
“But I am not a well brought-up young lady. Major. I have spent my life in the rough and tumble of army camps. I do not have much use for balls and parties."
“Surely you must wish for something more than traipsing after one army officer or another, setting up a household in one place only to tear it down and move on?"
“I do."
“So you admit it. You do long for a life more suited to a young lady, one that is filled with the comforts of ballrooms, drawing rooms, parks, and gardens,"
“I did not say that. I merely said that I wished for something more than traipsing after one army officer or another, as you put it. But I do not necessarily wish for the life of elegance and ease you are so quick to imagine."
“Then what do you wish for?” He had moved quite close to her now so she could almost feel his breath on her face and the warmth from his body.
“I wish ... I wish to
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