Lord Atherton's Ward

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Book: Lord Atherton's Ward by Fenella Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fenella Miller
Tags: Regency Romance Novella
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her hands outstretched as if trying to grip the stone.
    ‘It’s no use, my lord, she don’t answer me. I reckon another fifteen minutes and the water will be over her head.’
    Perry didn’t bother to answer. She was alive. That was all that mattered. He wasn’t going to lose her now. He stripped off his riding coat and jacket and dropped to the ground in order to remove his boots. It would be easier to climb down to her barefoot.
    Dickon arrived at his side, took one look and knew what he had to do. ‘Here, tie the rope under your arms. Stand still; I’ll do it for you.’
    ‘There’s four of you; that’s more than enough to pull us back up.’
    He turned and dropped over the edge relying on his friend to support him. He plummeted the three yards to the ledge, the rope pulling him up short in the nick of time. Another second and he would have lost his footing.
    * * * *
    There was a voice closer to her now. Was the voice of God calling her home? She was so tired, it would be easy to go to sleep, to get away from the cold and the noise. Then rough hands had her shoulders and the voice was speaking in her ear.
    ‘Sarah, sweetheart, you must wake up. I’m here now. You’re safe. But you must listen to me, I need you to do something.’
    How odd! It sounded just like Atherton. She must already be asleep, he couldn’t possibly be standing next to her on the ledge. The hands on her shoulders became more insistent, they were shaking her, banging her remorselessly against the cliff. Her head ricocheted against the stone and she screamed. The pain jerked her back to consciousness.
    She opened her eyes and found herself being cradled by her guardian. He had come to save her. It didn’t matter that he’d hurt her head again, she was going to live because he was here beside her.
    ‘Sarah, I’m putting your arms around my neck, and if you must try and wrap your legs around my waist. You must hold on, your life depends on it. I can support you with one arm, but I need the other to climb back.’
    She couldn’t speak, but from somewhere found the strength to grip his shirt. It was beyond her to lift her legs as he suggested. He put his arms under her bottom and hoisted her up, then pushed her legs behind him. She could feel the blackness creeping up on her again. She must not pass out. She had to hold on.
    ‘I’m ready. Start pulling, for God’s sake make it quick.’
    She rested her frozen cheek against his shoulder and twisted her fingers into his shirt. She gripped with her knees as if he was her horse. She couldn’t stay awake, but she was safe now, it wouldn’t matter if she slept a little.

Chapter Seven
    Perry knew he was in trouble. He had his stockinged feet braced hard against the cliff face, Sarah in front of him with legs dangling on either side, her arms around his neck. He was supporting her with only one arm and now she was unconscious.
    Her fingers were entangled in his shirt which would hold her steady for a few moments. The only way he could get safely to the top was if he released his grip and put both arms around her waist.
    The rope was under his arms; he wasn’t sure if he could hold it in place using just his elbows. He had been supporting most of his weight through this hand. If the line had to carry them both he had a horrible feeling it would slip off over his head and they would crash into the sea.
    He was safe for the moment. His feet steady, both arms around the girl. He tipped his head back and shouted against the wind. ‘She’s unconscious. I’m not sure if the rope will hold us both. You have to get us up. Do it fast.’
    Dickon’s head appeared briefly over the edge and he signalled his ascent. The rope tightened and Perry felt his chest constrict. Good God! What now? The double burden on the knot had caused it to tighten, it was only a matter of time before it crushed his ribs.
    He gritted his teeth, using his feet to assist, glad he had removed his boots. He would not

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