Looking For Trouble
looking, stained comforter.
    Searching around with his eyes to find the
source of the tiny whining still filling the room, Wade smiled when
he saw the top of a port-a-crib poking over the far side of the
other bed. He walked quickly over there and laid eyes on his baby
girl for the first time, and a swirl of emotions swept through him
like a tornado, taking his breath away. He felt tears burn his
eyes, as he saw her tiny fists flailing in the air.
    She had her momma's temperament, he thought,
but her dark hair was his. Reverently, he leaned over the crib and
put his hands under her arms to lift her against his chest. When
she quieted then cuddled into his neck, he lost the battle with the
tears he'd been holding back. Rocking her gently in his arms, he
cooed to her and she sighed, then her little body relaxed against
him. Wade's knees got weak when a wave of love so strong it almost
overwhelmed him, crashed through him, and he reached behind him,
then sat down on the bed.
    "What are you doing here, asshole?" Travis
piped up and walked over to face him, then tried to take the baby
from his arms.
    "Back off, or I'm gonna make you wish you
had..." Wade gritted through his teeth. "Take care of your sister
and leave me and my daughter alone."
    Wade heard Jess whimper from the other bed,
then rustling like she was trying to get up. He stood with the baby
in his arms and said, "Lay down, Jess...did the hospital give you
prescriptions you need filled?" He saw the pain on her pale face
when she tried to get up, and figured surely the doctor had given
her something for pain.
    "Yeah, but I'm not filling them," she said
then sat up.
    "Yes, you are...go get them butthead," he
ordered Travis, then tossed him the truck keys. "You can take my
truck to the pharmacy."
    "I'm not getting them filled," she said
again, this time more forcefully.
    Wade knew it was a money issue now, and he
told her brother, "Reach in my back pocket and get my wallet,
Travis. There's enough cash to take care of it. Get some diapers
and formula too," he told him.
    Travis looked shell-shocked, but he got
Wade's wallet and took out some bills then threw it on the bed,
then he went over to Jess and held out his hand to her, "Give me
the scripts, sis." When her face pinched and she crossed her arms
over her chest, he leaned down in her face and said,
" Now --or I'm going to go in after them!" This guy was
starting to grow on him, Wade thought. At least he was being
cooperative, and knew how to handle his sister.
    The baby squirmed in his arms, and sucked
her fist into her mouth, her bottom felt a little soggy too. He
knew what that meant from being around Will...time for a diaper
change, and probably a bottle. Wade sent up silent thanks for the
training Sabrina had given him, and asked, "Where are the
    Jess pushed up to her feet, and pulled out
the prescriptions then handed them to Travis, and said, "I'll get
it, can you bring her over here?"
    "You lay back down, I'll get it," Wade said
in a non-compromising voice, then asked, "Where are the diapers and
    Jess huffed out a frustrated breath, then
laid back on the bed and folded her arms across her chest, but
didn't answer his question. Travis walked over to the closet and
took out a diaper bag and handed it to him, then he walked to the
door and left. Yep, he was definitely liking the guy.
    When the door closed, Jess turned to him and
said through gritted teeth, "What the hell do you know about
babies? Bring her over here so I can feed and change her."
    "I know enough to know which end to put a
diaper on, and which end gets the bottle, so you just lay back and
watch," he told her with a chuckle. She wasn't going to goad him
into getting mad again, he might never get mad again, he was
so enthralled with his baby girl. He got choked up again when Angel
opened her green eyes to look up at him in rapt fascination, when
he laid her on the

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