Locking You (The Boston Kirkpatrick's #2)

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Book: Locking You (The Boston Kirkpatrick's #2) by S. Donahue Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. Donahue
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when we were drunk and fucking with each other, I downloaded the song and added it to his contact listing in my phone. It just stuck from then on.
         “Every time I hear the song I feel like he’s in trouble,” Joella laughs.
         We both start laughing as we lie on the cold hardwood floors.
         “I’ll call the fucka back,” I say trying to get up.
         “I’m going to go work in my office”
         “Okay,” I kiss her on the mouth and smack her ass. “I’ll meet you downstairs.”
         “Sounds like a plan.” She puts her clothes on and leaves the room.
         I grab my phone and dial Connor. He answers the phone. “Dickhead”
         “What up fucka? You called me?”
         “What ya doing tonight?”
         “Nothing yet.”
         “You want to go to that new karaoke club…Tune It Up.”
         “Are you nuts? I can’t sing plus you suck.”
         “It’ll be fun. The four of us can go.”
         “Who has the kids?”
         “Ma said she’ll babysit.”
         “I’ll talk to Joella and see if she wants to go. If she says yes, I’ll just text you yes and we can meet at 8:00 tonight.”
         “Sounds good Bro.”
         “Talk to you later.

Chapter 11
         “Babe, did you move my gun?”
         “Because we are going out for a night on the town. You’ll be drinking and off duty.”
         “No, no. I need it. You never know. Especially since the killer hasn’t been caught.”
         “What are you saying?”
         “Just…Well…You never know.”
         I hesitate to answer him. I think about this in my head over and over.
         “What if they want to kill you?”
         “Why would anyone want to do that?” He says smiling all cute.
         “Sorry to burst your ego, but yeah they would. You were going to buy the property. Two people on said property are dead. You’ve already been accused of murder…and…if the murderer is Mrs. O’Malley, she hates me, which means I could be next as well.”
         “Sweetie, this is serious.”
         “Exactly. Anybody could be following us.”
         “You’re paranoid.”
         “I’m a detective. I’m supposed to be paranoid.”
         “We’re not leaving the house.”
         “I put others in prison . I refuse to be there.”
          This is the reason why I didn’t want to tell him what I have been feeling. He will overreact. I’ll be walking down the street with disguises on, bodyguards and secret service if he can help it.
         After the shooting, he literally wouldn’t let me out of the house by myself. I just feel safer having my gun.
         “I’m calling Cameron.”
         “Come on, why?”
         “You need protection.”
         “What about you?”
         “I’ll be fine.”
         “Oh Yeah!! There goes my superman. NO CAMERON!! He stalked me before and it was miserable. I refuse to go through it again. If you just texted him, tell him to forget it.”
         “He’s a professional.”
         “He’s an asshole.”
         “Babe, let’s just go out and forget I brought anything up. Just give me my gun back.”
         “I don’t like you drinking and having a gun in your possession.”
         I look at him trying not to laugh. “You scared I’m going to shoot your ass when you get out of line.”
         “You would never.”
         “Don’t tempt me. You better be on your best behavior.”
         “Yes, mommy.”
         I roll my eyes at him and finish applying my lip-gloss. He comes up behind me and puts his arm around my waist.
         “You look beautiful. I want you to have fun.”
         “Aww thanks. As long as I’m with you, I’ll have a blast.”
         He kisses my neck and lifts my skirt. “Brendan, we’ll never

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