Living With the Dead: This New Disease (Book 5)

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Book: Living With the Dead: This New Disease (Book 5) by Joshua Guess Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joshua Guess
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occurred, but there are other things going on that I'd like to touch

The most startling development came this morning: we got a
message from the Exiles. We know it came from them because our scouts
watched a couple of their sentries lob it over the river. Nice little
plastic capsule with a hand-written letter in it. They've accepted
the terms of the truce. They won't attack us or try to cross the
river. They've agreed not to attack anyone. The only burr in the
whole thing is their insistence that they accept any other group of
marauders that want to settle with them in the fallback point.

not idiots, nor do we easily forget. The Exiles are made up of some
of our own people who betrayed the trust of New Haven as well as some
of the worst and least repentant marauders out there. We know the
kinds of things those people are capable of, and killing isn't the
most terrible example I can give. We sent word back that we'd abide
by those terms, but that if we learned they were keeping prisoners or
even catch them preparing to break the truce, all bets are off. So
far, no reply to that. We'll see how it works out.

Still, it's
breathing room. Communication is a step forward from the silence
we've had so far from across the river. I'm not going to hold my
breath that one day we won't have to deal with the Exiles again. I'd
love for that to never happen, but it's hard to imagine a world where
long-term coexistence with those people right next door is truly

On a similar note, we're taking steps to bolster New
Haven's population in a similar way. Over the last year or so we've
been on the ass end of some severe beatings. We've taken in most of
the folks from the smaller communities nearby that have cropped up,
but Will and the council want to shift gears and expand as much as
possible. The New Breed represent a much more serious threat than old
school zombies--despite our victory over them the other day, which
they'll likely adapt tactics against--and over the long haul we can't
afford to lose even an handful of people to those kinds of

There's a lot of work ahead for us in expanding New
Haven's borders again, but with enough people it won't be an
impossible goal. The Exiles have the advantage there, since the
fallback point has a huge capacity for sheltering a population. We
can cram in a lot more people than we currently house, but expansion
is going to happen. It has to. That means a new wall around the field
on the west side of New Haven, which is our only real option for
additional space. All new buildings inside it, which will be custom
designed and built. No more adapting pre-Fall houses. My brother has
ideas for the whole thing. It's going to be a huge undertaking.

scope of the project will be enormous. The materials required for
construction, defense, infrastructure, and all the million tiny
things...that's going to be a big order. We've got raw materials for
a lot of it. Just going to take time and effort to make them into

I'm doing a few hours in the clinic each day until the
patient load goes back down. I'm going to do my best to find out what
kinds of ideas the Louisville folks have about defense, farming,
everything. Perspective is always good. Then I'm off to the cells to
run a few tests on our New Breed captives. Then four hours helping
Will work through some of the more important parts of planning the
construction, as he has final say in what gets priority. I'm guessing
the new wall will be first.

Then home for a bit to eat dinner
with the wife, and after a quick scout run.  Damn  I'm
busy. I'll have to find some time to sleep. Some day.

March 24, 2012
by  Josh
Guess I've
been especially wordy lately. It's not from a deep-seated desire to
run my mouth, but springs instead from a need to cover a lot of
continuing situations. From hated enemies to intra-community politics
to new threats from the zombie swarms.

Today, I will for once
keep it

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