LIAM (The Rylee Adamson Epilogues, Book 2)

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Book: LIAM (The Rylee Adamson Epilogues, Book 2) by Shannon Mayer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shannon Mayer
Tags: Paranormal Urban Fantasy Romance
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“I’m not telling you anything. You two are outsiders.” She spat the last word at me, but it lacked heat.
    I shrugged, fighting the urge to just thump her over the head and drag her with me. I needed her to want to come with us. There was no way I could force her hand. “I may be an outsider, but I’m not the one afraid to be here in Seattle. You are.”
    Her lips trembled. “You should be afraid. My tribe will kill you. And him just because he’s with you.” She motioned at Levi with a tip of her head. He stiffened. I shook my head and forced a smile to my mouth.
    “That’s not going to happen. We’re going to be gone before they even know we’re here.”
    “Then why would you even come? Just to prove you can?” Her tone suggested others may have done the same in the past. Again, I shook my head.
    “No, I think I am here to save you from whatever it is that makes you cry. And to ask for your help.”
    Her mouth made a perfect O and tears slipped from her cheeks. “You think you can give me back my child? More the fool are you.”
    Her words shot through me so hard, I stood and stared at her as she started away. I almost couldn’t get the words out, they stuck in my throat so hard, the disbelief holding them there.
    “And if I can give you not one child, but three? Triplets? Ogre babies who need a mother.”
    She stumbled and spun, hands clenched into fists. “What did you say?”
    Time to throw caution to the wind. “Three ogre babies. Triplets that need a mother, an ogre mother. Without you, they are going to die.” Time to be bold. I approached her and carefully took both her hands in mine. “Please help me save them. We are running out of time.”
    Her whole body trembled, as if on the verge of falling to the ground, and her eyes slowly closed. “My tribe. They . . . they’re going to kill me. You can’t save me from them, they’re too strong, and too vicious. I’m . . . I would help you if I could.”
    “I can get us out of here. If you’ll let me.” I motioned for Levi and he moved to my side. “Show her the pictures of the triplets.”
    He flicked his phone on and pulled up a picture of the babies from the day before. Sleeping, they didn’t look sick at all. “They don’t have long without your help. The blue boy is Kav, the purple on the left is Rut, and on the right there is Bam.” Names, give them names and faces and she’d be hard pressed to say no.
    Tears spilled over her cheeks and she hiccupped a soft sob. “They’re beautiful.”
    “And they are dying.” I struggled with the words, struggled to impart the emotion that would help her see she was desperately needed. That she hadn’t flat out denied us was beyond what I’d truly hoped. I would fully admit to myself that I’d come to Seattle believing I would fail, believing that no matter what I did, it would not be enough.
    “Please help me save them.”
    She slowly pulled her hands from mine and rubbed them up and down her bare arms. “I . . . I don’t know. They took all my weapons from me, I can’t even protect myself.”
    It took everything I had not to yell at her, to try and force her into coming, but I knew it wouldn’t work. I had to convince her I was on her side, show her I trusted her even when I didn’t. I dropped to a crouch and dug into my bag. I pulled out a silver-edged knife with a six-inch blade. “Take it, use it if you have to. The silver will cut through any supernatural.”
    Carefully she took the knife and tucked it into her belt. “You don’t even know my name.”
    Time to roll the dice. “Tell me your name when you’re ready to save these boys. We’ll wait for you at the bakery over there as long as we can,” I said, and Levi held the phone up again for her, showing her the triplets once more.
    She backed away, her eyes locked on the image. I didn’t move until I couldn’t see her any longer.
    “Liam, what are we going to do?” Levi asked.
    “Exactly what I said.” I glanced

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