Lessons In Stalking: Adjusting to Life With Cats

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Book: Lessons In Stalking: Adjusting to Life With Cats by Dena Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dena Harris
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the cats would suffice. To clue you in to how that process went, what you are seeing here is the best of the best—me holding Lucy captive against the floor as I lay on her and Olivia looking anxiously at the floor, planning her escape. Blair, my husband, remains in safe (and, one might add, unscratched) anonymity behind the camera lens.
    Robert's only comment was "Next time try Tuna Fish on your breath.”

About the Author

    Dena Harris is a humorist and freelance writer published in newspapers, magazines, and web sites around the country. Publication credits include Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover’s Soul, Cats & Kittens magazine, I Love Cats!, Puppies USA, Writer’s Digest, The Toastmaster, Art Jewelry, Self-Publishing Essentials , and more.
    She teaches seminars and workshops in public speaking, networking, and writing for magazines. Her next book, Scared Speechless: Public Speaking Tips For The Occasional Speaker , will be available in 2006.
    Raised in Ohio, she now lives with her husband and two cats in rural North Carolina and is constantly trying to figure out how to bring a third cat into the home without her husband’s knowledge.
    She is a member of the Cat Writer’s Association (CWA), the Society for Children’s Books Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI), the Writer’s Group of the Triad, and way too many book clubs. For information on her upcoming books and workshops, please visit http://www.denaharris.com .

About the Illustrator

    Linda Santell is a digital artist, designer and illustrator. She lives in the historic district of a small town in rural North Carolina, where her studio is also located.
    The slow, quiet environment serves as a great balance to her whirring, creative spirit.
    Linda specializes in creating completely custom images, designs and illustrations.
    Her work is original and contemporary. She works equally well in color and black and white.
    Her client base is primarily creative, entrepreneurial women—an eclectic mix of writers, small business owners and non-profits. She delights in supporting them in designing their dreams.
    Illustration is Linda’s second career, but her first love. Art became her fulltime focus in 2000. Her projects range from book illustration to logo design, custom invitations to pet portraits and beyond.
    Linda finds great joy in creating her own art, which often takes the form of colorful and whimsical illustrations with supportive messages for women. These illustrations have become the basis for her Whimsical Wisdom ® line of womencentered art and products.
    To learn more about Linda, her art and creative services, visit her at http://www.lindasantell.com or her sister site http://www.enrichingearth.com .

Order Form for Lessons in Stalking

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