Legally His Omnibus

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Book: Legally His Omnibus by Penny Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Penny Jordan
urge her even more closely against his own body, holding her
tight and hard against the obvious thrust of his erection. Automatically and
instinctively Kate tilted her hips hungrily against him and moaned his name.
    As she sobbed her arousal and need against his lips Kate felt
his hand move to her breast.
    She was lost to time and place, to everything but Sean and her
need for him. A sound, a high, hot, female-hungry-for-her-mate sound of raw
sexual hunger slit the thickness of air, which was filled with the raggedness of
breath exhaled in mutual passion.
    And Sean responded to it as though a door had swung open,
admitting him to a lost and long-sought magic kingdom.
    Kate trembled as the hand he had raised to her breast began to
stroke and then massage it with familiar intimacy, arousing an equally familiar
sensation which spread from his touch through her stomach to the soft warmth
within her. A soft warmth that was rapidly turning into a tight, wet, aching
    Unable to stop herself from answering the clamouring need, Kate
arched her whole body against his touch, moaning into his mouth as his hand
cupped her breast and his thumb and finger started to pluck sensually at the
hard peak of her nipple.
    In a heartbeat of brief lucidity Kate was shockingly aware that
just the feel of his erection straining against her was as erotically arousing
as if she had still been a virginal teenager. But then Sean groaned, tugging
fiercely at her top, and she watched him tense as the pale, soft nakedness of
her breast, with the ripe swollen peak of her nipple, was revealed to his sight
and his touch. Her lucidity became a thing of the past, to be overwhelmed,
overturned by the flash-flood of her own response.
    Would Sean remember how much she had liked to feel him stroke
the hard flesh of her aroused nipples with his fingertip? How it had made her
call out to him in shocked, excited arousal? Would he remember the way he had
driven her beyond the boundaries of her self-control with the slow touch of his
    She quivered as she felt his hand on her naked breast—waiting,
yearning, needing.
    The raw sound of her name seemed to have been dredged up from
somewhere deep and hidden inside Sean, and Kate tensed immediately in response
to it.
    Kathy! But she wasn’t Kathy any more. She was Kate. She was
Kate—and Sean wasn’t the man who loved her, he was the man who had betrayed her!
The man who refused to accept that he had fathered her child. Sickness rolled
through her. How could she feel the way she had, behave the way she had, when
she knew...?
    She froze as the kitchen door was pushed open and she saw
Oliver standing staring at them.

    S EAN ’ S REACTION HAD been quicker than hers, and to her shock Kate realised that she was looking at her son from behind Sean’s sheltering body. Hot-faced with shock and guilt, she straightened her clothes and moved to go to Oliver, but he was oblivious to her, instead heading straight for Sean.
    Frantically Kate tried to stop him, unable to bear the rejection her little boy was going to suffer, but to her disbelief Sean stepped past her, scooping Oliver up as her son held out his arms to him.
    Holding Kate’s child in his arms, Sean felt a pain like none other he had ever experienced—not even when his mother had left him, not even when he had heard that he could not father a child himself, not even when he had locked Kate out of his life, he acknowledged as he fought down his own anguish and torment.
    The small head tilted back and solemn eyes looked into his. Sean felt as though someone had slid a knife into his ribs poisoned with longing, jealousy and despair. Longing for Oliver to be his; jealousy because Kate had given herself to another man; despair because of the situation he was now in.
    Abruptly he thrust Oliver into Kate’s waiting arms and turned towards the back door.
    As he reached it he stopped and turned round, shadows cloaking the pain in his eyes

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