Last Safe Place, The
his master responded with uproarious laughter.
    Yesheb’s cell phone rings and he dismisses the hip-hop moron with a wave of his hand.
    “Mr. Al Tobbanoft, the surveillance team is in position to pick up the subjects at the baggage claim in JFK.”
    “You understand the importance of continuous contact?”
    “It’s a crack, four-man team, sir. The subjects will never even know they’re being watched. We’re also tracking them electronically, of course. They couldn’t possibly shake my men.”
    “Are you willing to bet your life on that?”
    There is a heartbeat pause.
    “Yes sir.”
    Yesheb hangs up and acid-tasting bile rises in this throat. He has let her slip out of his grasp! He had been injured, hadn’t been thinking clearly. After he’d summoned help and a team to do cleanup at her residence, it had taken a few hours to find her again. She had left the monitoring chips planted in her wallet, the heel of her shoe and her cell phone case behind when she ran. He hadn’t moved fast enough with the summons and the criminal charges and she had slipped through his net. Oh, how he wishedhe could simply kidnap her and hold her hostage until it was time. But he couldn’t do that. It must take place precisely as it was foretold. He must go to her alone, unaided, crush her resistance and take her.
    Yesheb feels a shiver of doubt run down his spine.
    After a millennia of looking for her, he has finally found her. Now the clock that allows him three opportunities to become one with her is ticking. Their joining will grant him unfathomable power; it will usher in the reign of The Beast of Babylon as the sovereign ruler of the abyss. But ancient decrees require precise timing. The first full moon after Good Friday, the day of death, was for preparation. He’d fasted and precisely performed the prescribed rituals and self-flagellation—beat himself with a whip tipped with broken glass and pieces of metal until he was barely conscious. After that, there remained three lunar cycles. He must mate with her during one of them and she had gotten away from him this month! She must not escape again!
    He rises slowly, in some ways relishing the agony in his foot because it keeps him hyper alert, on a razor’s edge. He picks up his crutches and hobbles on them out into the concourse. He briefly considers going to their gate and waiting there with them until their flight takes off. But there would be plenty of time for intimidation—and payback—later. Revenge is, indeed, a dish best served cold.

    T HEO HAD TO HAND IT TO G ABRIELLA . S HE HAD ORCHESTRATED their disappearing act in New York City like they was characters in a television spy show—not that Theo watched such things, of course. The only time his television was on was so he could watch the news or sports. And that didn’t count as watching television.
    Course he didn’t have no television now. Didn’t have nothing. They’d left everything they owned behind. Well, except that rock, Gabriella’s crystal rock. Wasn’t no way she was gonna go anywhere without that!
    Gabriella had launched what she called the Great Escape as soon as they got to New York. They checked into the Warwick Hotel, then went directly to the Bank of New York on East 45th Street where Gabriella had a private conversation in the manager’s office and cleaned out all her accounts, walked out with all the cash she could lay her hands on, a little over $75,000. From there they went to Macy’s, where they purchased a whole new set of clothes each—from the underwear out. Socks, shoes, trousers—the works. Gabriella was certain Yesheb had somebody watching them every minute. But she suspected he might also be keeping tabs on them with some kind of electronic tracking device. In their clothes, their shoes, their luggage, somewhere. So they’d bought new everything, all the way down to their birthday suits. Theo picked himself out a bright red button-up sweater. Gabriella picked him

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