Last Continent

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Book: Last Continent by Terry Pratchett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terry Pratchett
cakes from their burrow. They had dried coconut flakes on them.
    He turned the plate cautiously.
    Well, you couldn’t argue with it. He was finding food in the desert. In fact, he was even finding dessert in the desert.
    Perhaps it was some special talent hitherto undiscovered by the kind people who had occasionally shared their food with him in the last few months. They hadn’t eaten this sort of thing.They’d ground up seeds and dug up skinny yams and eaten things with more eyeballs than the Watch had found after that business with Medley the Medical Kleptomaniac.
    So something was going right for him. Out here in the red-hot wilderness something wanted him to stay alive . This was a worrying thought. No one ever wanted him alive for something nice .
    This was Rincewind after several months: his wizardly robe was quite short now. Bits had been torn off or used as string or, after some particularly resistant hors d’oeuvres , as bandages. It showed his knees, and wizards are nowhere near championship standard at knees. They tend to appear, as the book might put it, a knobbly savage.
    But he’d kept his hat. He’d woven a new wide brim for it, and he’d had to restore the crown once or twice with fresh bits of robe, and most of the sequins had been replaced with bits of shell stitched on with grass, but it was still his hat, the same old hat. A wizard without a hat was just a sad man with a suspicious taste in clothes. A wizard without a hat wasn’t anyone.
    Although this particular wizard had a hat, he didn’t have keen enough eyes to see the drawing appear on a red rock half hidden in the scrub.
    It started off like a bird. Then, without at any time being other than smears of ochre and charcoal that had been there for years, it began to change shape . . .
    He set off towards the distant mountains. They’d been in view for several days. He hadn’tthe faintest idea if they represented a sensible direction but at least they were one.
    The ground shivered underfoot. It had been doing that once or twice a day for a while, and that was another odd thing, because this didn’t look like volcano country. This was the kind of country where, if you watched a large cliff for a few hundred years, you might see a rock drop off and you’d talk about it for ages. Everything about it said that it had got over all the more energetic geological exercises a long time ago and was a nice quiet country which, in other circumstances, a man might be at home in.
    He became aware after a while that a kangaroo was watching him from the top of a small rock. He’d seen the things before, bounding away through the bushes. They didn’t usually hang around when there were humans about.
    This one was stalking him. They were vegetarian, weren’t they? It wasn’t as though he was wearing green.
    Finally it sprang out of the bushes and landed in front of him.
    It brushed one ear with a paw, and gave Rincewind a meaningful look.
    It brushed the other ear with the other paw, and wrinkled its nose.
    â€˜Yes, fine, good,’ said Rincewind. He started to edge away, and then stopped. After all, it was just a big . . . well, rabbit, with a long tail and the kind of feet you normally see associated with red noses and baggy pants.
    â€˜I’m not frightened of you,’ he said. ‘Whyshould I be frightened of you?’
    â€˜Well,’ said the kangaroo, ‘I could kick your stomach out through your neck.’
    â€˜Ah. You can talk?’
    â€˜You’re a quick one,’ said the kangaroo. It rubbed an ear again.
    â€˜Something wrong?’ said Rincewind.
    â€˜No, that’s the kangaroo language. I’m trying it out.’
    â€˜What, one scratch for “yes”, one for “no”? That sort of thing?’
    The kangaroo scratched an ear, and then remembered itself. ‘Yep,’ it said. It wrinkled its nose.
    â€˜And that wrinkling?’ said

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