Knight Vision

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Book: Knight Vision by Johanna Bock Read Free Book Online
Authors: Johanna Bock
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heart.  She once again felt safe, warm and protected.  Debating on what to tell him, she recalled that he had just said he loved her; her heart opened and everything poured out.  Everything, starting with her inner pain of being a fat child, to the two loveless relationships which she had experienced in the past.  She told him it had been over a year since her last failed relationship and she felt inadequate in her lovemaking abilities.  She laid out her life to him; every detail was uncovered. 
    She talked for over an hour.  Only once did he release his tight hold on her; he had reached behind him and picked up her blouse and placed it over her shoulders.  He didn’t interrupt her during her outpour, but she knew he was listening, because he would hold her tighter or begin to pat her back at different points.  When she finished, she expected to feel exhausted and spent, but she felt the opposite.  She felt alive and rejuvenated, like the weight of the world had been lifted off her shoulders.  She backed out of her cocoon and looked into his face, not knowing what to expect.  What she saw written on his features was compassion, understanding, love and deep within his eyes, desire.   
    Her blood started to boil.  She wrapped her arms around him, kissing him deeply.  From her position on his lap, she realized the pouring of her soul had not deterred his desire for her.
    “Annie?“ he asked into her hair.  She nodded in response.  “Are you sure?“ he asked.
    “Yes, Jeff,“ she replied, sitting back and undoing the buttons on his shirt while moving her hips provocatively on his trapped manhood.  She heard his responding cry of delight as he fiercely grabbed her, causing her blouse to cascade to the floor.  Gently pushing him back, she continued her task. 
    She backed off his lap and tried to pull his shirttail out of his pants, but this was impossible due to his current excited state.  He started to move to assist her, but she stopped him. “You would not allow me to assist you with mine,“ she purred at him.
    Chuckling for the first time in quite a while, he held up his hands and surrendered to her.  She knew in order to finish the task she would have to undo the buttons on his jeans.  Concentrating on this task, she found herself biting her tongue; it was sticking out of her mouth, just a little.  This was a family trait which could be annoying to others, but she heard him chuckle again.  She glanced up from her task and gazed into his face.  He was watching her, smiling.  Merriment was dancing in his blue eyes. 
    With her right hand still on his belt buckle, she leaned forward and kissed him.  Smiling, she returned to her task.  Within seconds, she realized her task would not easy due to his state of arousal.  She worked slowly to undo his buckle and buttons of his jeans.  As the fly opened, she registered the fact that his manhood was straining against his underclothes.  Feeling extremely awkward, she avoided touching the front of him, as she pulled the caught shirt out of his pants and opened it to reveal his naked chest.
    He sat up and grabbed her, pulling her into his embrace.  She gasped as their bare skin touched.  Instantly, her breasts reacted to the contact.  This simple meeting of their bodies placed her right back to where she was physically before her ’episode.’  Her need for him was growing by the second.  He lowered her down on the comforter.  This time, no fear was evident in her system.  She responded by bringing his hand down to the waistband of her slacks, giving him unspoken permission to continue where he had left off earlier.
    He looked at her with so much heat, it melted her very core.  Unbuttoning her slacks, he tried to push them down her legs.  She raised her hips to assist him with his task, causing him to laugh.  In the process of removing her slacks, he stopped to kiss the now-exposed skin as he made his way to her feet. 
    Her hands were

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