Kiss of the Dragon
my already over sensitive core and the beginnings of the delicious stretch as he slowly slid inside, sent me over the edge again as my lips finally released his neck and my head was thrown back against the couch. I shouted out in surprise when he thrust the last few inches inside, burying himself to the hilt.
    " Mon Dieu!" he whispered in a semi groan against my lips. "But I have missed you, my love." And then he started to rock against me, each thrust and grind sending further shockwaves through my body.
    I was stimulated, so sensitive but in a perfectly divine way, that every single movement he made caused a shiver through my body and pulled a moan from my lips. His pace increased, his lips laying kisses all over my cheek and neck, up to my jaw and then finally claiming my mouth just as forcefully as he claimed my body. There was no denying he was marking his territory, staking his claim again. Ten days had passed for me in Álfheimr , I didn't know how much time had passed for Michel, but it was clearly too much.
    We'd been joined again after such a harrowing time apart, only to be separated immediately and unable to claim each other's bodies when we had needed and wanted to desperately at the time. Finally, now, we could. And I claimed him just as much as he claimed me.
    My Light burst out before I had even realised I had called it, wrapping around our bodies, entwining with our limbs, twisting with our movements, creating a dance of brilliance against our sweat soaked skin. I knew I was marking him, giving him my Sigillum , and I knew he was letting me. He already wore my Sigillum on his chest in the form of a colourful iridescent tattoo-like design of a dancing dragon over his heart and up his neck. His dancing dragon. But now I was adding another. I wouldn't know what it looked like until it was done, I never consciously had any say, but it would be beautiful. As beautiful as the sensations he was making me feel, as the moment we were sharing together right now.
    His movements became more frantic as my Light settled between us. Slick skin on slick skin, my legs wrapped firmly around him, his thrusts met by the upward movement of my hips, his mouth devouring mine, our bodies moving in synchronisation, so in-tune with each other we anticipated the other's moves. I cried out his name a second before him. My name a reverent prayer on his tongue as he thrust one last time deep inside me finding his own release and we both came to a panting-breath stop. Still wrapped up in each other, but breathing in tandem now, our bodies sated and still.
    "Lucinda." He said my name again with such emotion. " Ma lumière belle, douce. "
    I smiled up at him, my hands running over his chest. Somewhere along the way he had lost his jacket, shirt and tie. I had absolutely no recollection of that. He smiled back at me, his magenta and amethyst eyes flashing an hypnotic swirl, drawing me in. I traced a finger gently down the side of his face, his eyelids closed briefly and he sighed. It sounded contented.
    Goddess, it was so good being back in his arms.
    "How long have I been gone?" I whispered, I couldn't help it, speaking loudly would have broken the moment for sure.
    "Three weeks," he whispered back, maybe feeling the same way I did.
    I blinked at the time difference. Three weeks , but he hadn't looked that tired when I first laid eyes on him. The joining separation should have taken a bigger toll.
    "I used the Iunctio's power to ward off the effects of separation at the end, but with the portals closed I do not think it was as bad as we have experienced in the past."
    A couple of things about that statement fluttered through my mind at once. One; like me he hadn't felt the separation as keenly as previous times apart, and two; he used the Iunctio's combined Nosferatu and Nosferatin power to ward off the effects at the end. It's not like I had forgotten he was the Champion, but every time I was reminded of it, I felt my stomach drop.

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