Kingmakers, The (Vampire Empire Book 3)

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Book: Kingmakers, The (Vampire Empire Book 3) by Susan Griffith Clay Griffith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Griffith Clay Griffith
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The more that flock to Anhalt’s diversion, the fewer we will have to walk past.”
    “It also places General Anhalt in more danger.”
    “He welcomes the risk to safeguard you. His effort shouldn't be in vain.”
    “It won’t.” Adele stepped away from Gareth, regarding him. “Follow the path I showed you on the map. I’ll be right beside you.”
    She vanished before his eyes, leaving Gareth alone in the vast white field. The only thing that remained was the indentations of her feet in the snow. His eyes widened.
    Her hand found his. He looked down but saw nothing.
    “So you are not a ghost,” he said in amazement.
    Her gentle laugh was carried on the wind. “No, I’m still here. Right beside you.”
    Mamoru had explained it to Adele that geomancers hid from vampires in plain sight. They weren’t invisible, only camouflaged by the earth, like a chameleon’s skin. It was a very treacherous tactic, and Adele hadn’t told Gareth or Anhalt just how easily it could go terribly wrong. Vampires could collide with her or something might break her concentration, and then she would be visible.
    “Your hand is hot,” Gareth said.
    Adele immediately let go and saw his skin flush pink where she had touched him. Thankfully it was not burned.
    His eyes narrowed to slits as he stared at the spot where he knew she was standing. “I can almost see you.”
    “Because I know you are there. There is a shimmer, a gentle outline about your size and shape. If you hadn’t shown me, I would have missed you entirely. Your scent has changed too. More earthy, like wood and soil. Not like a human.”
    “That’s fascinating. I’ll have to relate that to Mamoru when I see him. I doubt he’s ever gotten this kind of insight.” Adele’s hand brushed his one more time. “Lead on. I will follow.”
    Gareth started toward the city walls, and she fell into step with him. Eventually they saw a small group of vampires near the crumbling gate. They weren’t soldiers, more likely citizens who were given watch duty that wouldn’t place them on the front lines. One was heavy by vampire standards. Another was thin and tall, though not as tall as Gareth. The last was old with long, thin graying hair and a craggy face. He was seated between the other two. There was a dead human at their feet, obviously a recent meal.
    Adele stayed motionless as Gareth strode toward the vampires. They quickly stood to challenge him. Gareth didn’t even pause. He moved in a blur, leaping at them with claws extended. The first slash took out the thin vampire, the youngest and the most agile, who fell into the old vampireand together they tumbled to the ground. The heavyset one rose hissing, throwing his large frame at Gareth. The vampire prince sidestepped quickly, lightened his density and stepped up into the air. As the vampire stumbled under him, Gareth dropped heavily, taking him to the ground.
    Gareth’s arm drove downward toward the weakest point on the spine and snapped it. The vampire flopped once with a scream and lay immobile, though his eyes were wide open. He still had a voice and was screeching in terror until Gareth silenced him with another slash of his terrible claws. More blood stained the white ground.
    Adele was distracted by Gareth’s sudden violence, so she didn’t see the elder vampire surging at him until it was too late. Gareth was borne to the ground in a flurry of snow. The older vampire’s arm slashed downward, but Gareth blocked it. A well-aimed kick sent his opponent flying backward. Immediately and without quarter, Gareth followed and the two vampires exchanged blows, each one expertly blocked and parried.
    Gareth saw an opening and slipped in, coming into close quarters, and used that position to rip out his opponent’s throat. The elder vampire fell limp into Gareth’s arms.
    He swung the old man’s legs up and carried him to where he had been sitting. Gently he laid the vampire on the ground, almost

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