Killer: A Bad Boy Romance

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Book: Killer: A Bad Boy Romance by Heather West Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather West
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that I was about to have some of the hottest pussy that I’d ever had. He couldn’t smell her sweet scent on my fingers, or in my mouth. He had no idea how fucking lucky I was about to be, that was, until he knocked on the wrong apartment downstairs.
    After we ate, Lacey excused herself and took a shower. I went out on the balcony and chain-smoked my way through a pack of Marlboros so I didn’t have to think about her delectably body, covered in warm water and suds… Pull it together, man , I told myself. It ain’t about the snatch this time .
    Predictably, after that little encounter, I couldn’t sleep. I was pissed at myself for not just throwing the pizza down, storming back into the apartment, and fucking her into next week. But she was fucking irresistible. Every glance, every look, every touch from her just made me freeze. I was helpless to her charms, and the hell of it was, I didn’t even think she understood. She was a complete liability, and I didn’t know what the hell I was gonna do when this was over.
    I sighed when I realized that when this was indeed over, I’d never be seeing little miss Lacey ever again. She’d be better off, for sure, but I couldn’t lie; part of me was going to miss her. I liked the way she said whatever came to her mind, and her fierce independence, and her scrappy little attitude. If it wasn’t for me, she probably would have been dead by now. Thinking about that gave me a sense of responsibility that I hadn’t felt since Rose was killed. It was a scary, heady thing, but I liked it.
    It was pretty stupid of me to get involved with her in the first place. I knew that now. But I swear, if anyone had been in my shoes, they would have done the same thing. She was made to be obsessed over, just like I was made for prison. If I was lucky, I could stay out of prison. But no matter how lucky I was, I didn’t think I could stay away from Lacey.
    Peyton and I had a short talk that night; he promised that he’d have an assignment for me tomorrow. I didn’t tell him about my call with the contact. He didn’t need to know that he’d sent me on a wild goose chase. Half of the guys I was friends with now were crooks, this one didn’t seem to be any different. Lacey had a singing gig the next night, and I wondered if I could slip away for a while and make some phone calls. This whole PI thing was proving to be a little difficult when I had a five foot nothing troublemaking girl with me.
    When Chase brought the pizza back inside, I could barely eat. It was like my appetite had just gone away with my desire when I was scared. But when he was back inside and I knew things were safe again, I started thinking about what would have happened if we hadn’t been interrupted. Surely he wouldn’t want to have sex with a virgin—what guy would? No, it was probably for the best that we weren’t able to carry through with it.
    I couldn’t sleep when I got back to bed. And I couldn’t study. All I could think about was Chase, and the fact that I’d almost just lost my virginity to my bodyguard. My bodyguard ! It sounded so weird when I thought about it like that. I wondered if Chase had ever thought about doing it for hire; it seemed like he would actually be pretty good.
    Before I got in bed, I took a shower and tried to relax. As I washed my hair under the relentless stream of warm water, I thought about my gig the next night. Would Chase let me go? Would he make an ass out of himself? Or would he flirt with other women when we were there? I hated to admit how much the last idea rubbed me the wrong way.
    Even after my relaxing shower with lavender body wash, I still couldn’t get my mind off Chase. I blushed as I lay in my bed, thinking of all the ways he’d touched me and the things he’d done to me. I never would have thought about myself as a passionate woman, but that was exactly the response he inspired in me. My blush turned

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