Kept: An Erotic Anthology

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Book: Kept: An Erotic Anthology by Holly Roberts, Leia Shaw, Cari Silverwood, Sorcha Black, Angela Castle, C. L. Scholey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly Roberts, Leia Shaw, Cari Silverwood, Sorcha Black, Angela Castle, C. L. Scholey
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Our bodies created blood to feed each other. Our hearts beat with the same pulse completely synchronized.
    He pulled me close.
    I mumbled my yummy confession against his sweat dampened flesh. “I need to work on my language; I’ve been a very naughty girl.”
    “I was thinking you might.”
    I wiggled my toes and felt his boots. His pants were down to his knees but remained bloused at his calves. “Do you think we could work on that after you pull your pants up and we take advantage of my fantasy?”
    His hand clenched in my hair as he brought my face up so I was looking into the sparkling gold specks of his eyes.
    “Oh little warrior, I thought you’d never ask.”

    Soul Bonds
    By Angela Castle

    The glowing light on the communications board caught the Mediator’s attention. He waved his hand over the panel and it lit up in a holographic display of data. He rubbed his chin and sat back in his chair.
    “A’tom, show me the planet charts from sector five zero one.”
    The room blinked into darkness and glittering lights exploded all around him; highlighted before his gaze sat the planet system, orbiting a singular, solar star—yet, only one populated planet. With a flick of his wrist, he brought the small, blue planet in for closer inspection. “A’tom, show me the population information and who our operative is.”
    The data scrolled down next to the image of the planet. It was so primitive, yet it held so much potential. After careful study of the specie s , they labeled them breeding compatible. This was why they sent many operatives to this planet to infiltrate, collect data and prepare. A handful of were already plucked from the planet. Without soul compatibility, no Spiri male could properly bond and reproduce.
    At birth, every Spiri male and female’s unique soul essence is recorded into a mass database through the A’tom network, removing the guess work from soul matching.
    A blinking light indicated a new female soul connection has been matched to a Spiri male. But who ? “A’tom, show me to whom this female has been matched.”
    Instantly, an image of a Spiri male appeared before him.
    The Mediator gasped, sitting bolt upright in his chair, as the lights flashed. “By the star gods! Send the data package to him, immediately!”
    “Soul bond data sent,” the automated, female voice of A’tom informed him.
    The Mediator sank back into his seat, relieved another match was found and another mind saved from madness. This match is the most important one of their entire planet.

Chapter 1
    Ashlyn Sawyer knocked back her second drink, her head swimming with the invading alcohol. She groaned and plonked her swaying butt onto the bar stool.
    “You’re a lightweight.” The Vegas bartender removed her empty glass, eyeing her with a slight smile. He stood tall with broad shoulders and sandy blond hair falling immediately above his striking, clear blue eyes. His strange accent sounded out of place surrounded by Americans, but that was the nature of things in this gambling city—it sucked in people from every country around the world and emptied their pockets of everything but lint.
    Ash grinned sheepishly at him. She knew it only took one or two drinks to make her feel relaxed and knock her off her feet. Usually, she knew her limits, especially in a strange place full of predators waiting to pounce. Right now, she didn’t care; she needed stress relief.
    Hell, who wouldn’t after surviving a fifteen hour flight from Australia, including the transfer from Los Angeles to Las Vegas?
    Even business class felt cramped and airless when sharing it with several soul-sucking, shallow women.
    “I’ve been dragged here by my stepfamily from hell for their overpriced wedding. I need this. Hit me again, love.” She slapped down a twenty on the bar. “Keep the change.”
    He shook his head, but took the money, and made her another apple martini.
    “Your wedding?”
    Ash snorted,

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