Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series)

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Book: Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series) by Robin Keahey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Keahey
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fingers glide down my spine to my waist. Chill bumps erupted all over my body,
and I sucked in a deep breath as my heart took off in a gallop in my chest. I
turned around to face him and threw my arms around his neck. He held me close,
his lips finding mine again. As we pulled apart he murmured, “I love you so
     “I love you too,
Seth,” I replied shyly.
         My smile fell
as a sudden thought crossed my mind. He noticed the change. “What’s wrong?”
       I looked down at
my lap. “I didn’t get you a gift,” I admitted sadly.
     He lifted my chin. “Babe,
it’s okay. You don’t have to buy me anything. I’m sure there are other things
you could give me.”
         I smiled,
leaned over and gave him a chaste kiss. He chuckled and shook his head before
taking my hand and pulling me to my feet. “Let me show you around the house,”
he said, his eyes sparkling.
    He proceeded to lead
me on a tour of his whole house, though it was more like a small mansion. I
knew his stepdad worked as a dentist, but I had no idea there was so much money
to be made in teeth. Seth’s family was obviously well off, but he’d never
mentioned it. I didn’t care one way or the other; it was none of my business.
    He stopped at a door
at the end of the upstairs hallway. As he swung it open, I knew instantly this
was his room. Football memorabilia hung on the walls, and his jersey was framed
above his bed.
    I whistled as I took
it all in. “Boy, you really do love football, huh?”
     He smiled and
shrugged his shoulders before moving to his bed, sprawling out across it. He looked
at me expectantly and patted the spot next to him.
         “Come lay down
beside me,” he said, his voice sounding low and in a tone I’d never heard him
use before.
         My feet felt
frozen to the floor as I twisted my hands in front of me. A smile slowly spread
across his face as he rose from the bed and stalked over to me. He freed my
hands from their tangle and laced his fingers through mine. His intense gaze
never wavered as he walked backwards, leading me to his bed.
     “See, that’s not so
bad, is it?” He said, as I laid down on his bed, turning to face him. My cheeks
flamed and he let out a small chuckle. “You. Are. So. Sweet.” He whispered, a
kiss peppered between each word.
    His warm breath on
my face and the closeness of our bodies made my stomach churn a bit. I didn’t
feel very sweet at the moment. I felt nervous and a little afraid. The voice in
my head was screaming at me to get up and get out of there, but the message was
obviously not getting through to my arms and legs as I continued to lay there.
He stroked my face and ran his hand into my hair at the back of my neck. It
felt wonderful, but I knew I couldn’t let this go much further. He leaned in,
kissing me tenderly as his hand made its way down my neck to my shoulder and
across to my arm. His hand became bolder, but before I could swat it away, he
released my lips and asked softly, “Katie, do you really love me?”
     I cocked my head,
confused by his question. “What? Of course I do, Seth. Why would you ask me
         He took a deep
breath, letting it out slowly before he spoke, “I know you said you wanted to
remain a virgin but if you really loved me, you would want to share yourself
with me. I love you and want to show you how much.”
         It felt like
all the air had been sucked from my lungs as a cold chill ran down my spine. My
brain refused to find any words as I laid there, mouth agape, so he asked me
again, “Katie, do you love me or not?”
         As my brain
finally processed his question, I spoke from my heart. “I..I love you very
much. I have never felt this way about anyone, but I thought you understood
that I wanted to wait until marriage to have sex.”
         He cupped my
face, staring into my eyes. “I can’t wait anymore. I’m going crazy here. I need
to be with you that way. I have told you

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