Pall Mall Gazette 322, 333, 334–5
Palmerston, Lord 163–4, 197, 208–12, 274
Paris Commune 325–32, 337, 344, 352
Payne, Robert 3, 276, 332
People’s Paper 200–1
Perron, Charles 320
Pfäender, Karl 154, 172, 282, 284
Philips, Leon 159–60, 246, 248, 253, 265–6, 268
Philosophy of Poverty, The (Proudhon) 107
Pieper, Wilhelm 19, 181–3, 188, 199, 216
Popper, Karl 299
Prawer, Professor S. S. 20
Prometheus Unbound (P. Shelley) 50–1, 72
Proudhon, Pierre Joseph 61, 74, 106–110, 112, 279, 284
Prussian National Assembly 144, 146
Quarterly Review 275, 333–4
Red Republican 124, 197, 274
Rheinische Zeitung 35–6, 38, 40, 42–8, 54, 75, 236, 271
Ricardo, David 68, 71, 259, 304
Ruge, Arnold 27, 36, 45, 47–8, 52, 54, 57, 62–8, 169
Rutenburg, Adolf 36, 43–4, 46
Ryazanov, David 68
Sand, George 317
Schapper, Karl 98, 112, 128, 130, 137, 191
Schramm, Conrad 156, 164–5, 167, 199
Schramm, Rudolph 167–9
Schurz, Carl 135
Schwarzschild, Leopold 3
Semprun, Jorge 7
Shelley, Mary 71–2
Smith, Adam 68, 70–1, 259, 304
Sorge, Friedrich Adolph 323, 373
Southcott, Joanna 4
Soviet Union 2–4
Spectator, The 161–2
Stahl, Julius 31
Stalin, Joseph 2–3
Sterne, Laurence 307–8
Stieber, Wilhelm 163
Stirner, Max 94–7
Sue, Eugene 86–7
Sung, Kim II 2
Swift, Jonathan 305–6
Thiers, Adolphe 325–9
Times, The 325, 333, 342
Tolain, Henri Louis 284–5, 289
Trémaux, Pierre 364–5
Tristram Shandy (Sterne) 25, 307
Turkey and Its Resources (Urquhart) 208–09
University of Jena 33
Urquhart, David 207–13
Vehse, Karl Eduard 192
Vogt, Karl 168, 238–42
von Bornstedt, Adalbert 128–9
von Brüningk, Baron 192
von Brüningk, Baroness 189, 191–2
von Hatzfeldt, Countess 243, 245–7, 253
von Müller-Tellering, Eduard 167–8
von Savigny, Friedrich 24–5
von Schaper, Oberpräsident 46
von Schelling, F. W. 32–3, 54
von Schweitzer, Johann Baptist 286
von Struve, Gustav 153, 169
von Westphalen, Baron Ludwig 17–19, 33, 48
von Westphalen, Baroness Caroline Heubel 18, 52, 63, 92, 219, 266
von Westphalen, Edgar 18, 91, 289
von Westphalen, Ferdinand 18, 162, 192
von Westphalen, Heinrich Georg 219
Vorwärts! 66–7, 89–90, 111
Wagner, Richard 315, 317
Was Karl Marx a Satanist? (Wurmbrand) 3–4
Weber, J. M. 241
Weitling, Wilhelm 99–106, 112, 277
Weydemeyer, Joseph 90–1, 101–2, 152, 157, 175, 177, 188–9
What is Property? (Proudhon) 61
Wilhelm I, King 245–6
Wilhelm IV, King Friedrich 32, 36, 47–8, 89–90, 162–3, 165–6
William II, Frederick 141
Willich, August 146–7, 164–5, 191–3
Wilson, Edmund 308, 310
Wilson, Harold 299
Wolff, Wilhelm 112, 130–1, 266–7, 366
Woodhull, Victoria 337, 344
World 335–6
Wurmbrand, Reverend Richard 3–4
Wyttenbach, Hugo 13–14
Young Hegelians 24, 27, 31, 36, 43–4, 75, 80, 93, 94–5
Praise for Karl Marx :
‘In his wonderfully entertaining biography, Wheen presents his subject as a man of both brilliance and frailty. Delving beneath the iconic status of the author of Das Kapital , Wheen captures Marx’s humanity, critically yet sympathetically.’ Observer
‘A marvellous book which combines years of voracious reading with stylish writing and polemical wit. Wheen’s object, triumphantly achieved, is to rescue Marx from those interminable haters and calumniators.’ Guardian
‘Wheen disproves the curious assumption of so many academics, that fluent writing is the inevitable counterpart of inadequate research … he approaches Marx rather as an enthusiastic naturalist might view a virile alligator; the beast is magnificent, but some of its habits are frankly disappointing … his combination of verve and forensic skill has infused much new life into the old revolutionary.’ TLS
‘This portrait is the first to show that the nineteenth century’s most original political theorist also lived a life rich in unintentional comedy … With this vivid, thought-provoking biography, Francis
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