Kaiju Apocalypse

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Book: Kaiju Apocalypse by Eric S. Brown, Jason Cordova Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eric S. Brown, Jason Cordova
Tags: Science-Fiction, Horror
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whispered. She opened her mouth to issue commands. 
    The Kaiju Overmind struck before she could give the order to attack.  One of its tentacles shot outward, snagging a member of Alpha Squad who had skidded to a stop to Smith’s left.  It jerked the man off the ground and proceeded to smash him time and time again into the wall of the cavern, cracking his enhanced Dogkiller armor open like an egg.  Blood and fluids from the armor's systems leaked from the damaged suit, but the tentacle continued its grizzly work.  A second tentacle shot forward at Smith.  She dove from its path, rolling as the metal of her suit clanged against the cavern floor, and brought her cannon to bear.  Smith fired a series of three bursts which cut the tentacle to shreds. 
    West wanted to assist her with the tentacles but the mission came first.  He sprinted towards the Overmind, firing with each step he took.  The heavy 105 caliber rounds blew gaping holes in the Overmind's central mass, spilling chunks of grey matter and orange blood upon the cavern floor.  It shrieked in pain from the wounds, and for a moment, the tentacles waved wildly in the air.  The cry was not truly a sound but more of a feeling that forced itself into West's mind, splintering his thoughts.  He stumbled and crashed to his knees, the armored hands of his Mark II suit reaching upwards to cover the sides of its helmet.  West saw the troopers of Alpha Squad doing the same.  The cry was more than just one born of the creature's pain. It was an attack on their minds. 
    The mind controls all , a small, sane part of West’s brain argued as he struggled to regain his senses.
    Tears ran over West's cheeks inside his suit, but he fought to overcome the noise tearing his thoughts and will apart.  His hand trembling, he managed to raise his cannon in the direction of the Overmind and activate its firing mechanism.  He swept the cannon in a side-to-side motion on full auto, hoping to score a lucky hit.  The shrieking stopped.  West shook his head frantically, trying to pull himself together.  Besides Smith, all but one of Alpha squad was down and was not moving.  He could feel blood leaking from his eyes, ears, and nose, trickles of warm wetness flowing over his skin. Even gravity seemed to be doing odd things around the Overmind.
    He called out to the rest of the squad. Smith answered, as did Wheeler. Nobody else spoke up. Very likely, the troopers who were down were dead, overwhelmed by the Overmind's psychic attack. 
    The Overmind reared up.  The thing's four hind legs supporting its weight as it scuttled forward to finish them.  Smith and the remaining Alpha squad trooper were firing everything they had at the monster on full auto, a single round, and back again.  Pieces of the Overmind were everywhere around them.  A purplish blood oozed from its central mass and stained the floor and walls of the cavern.  The Overmind refused to die though.  One of its lifted legs impaled Wheeler straight through the man's chest, passing through his armor with its point emerging from his back.  The Overmind shook the trooper's corpse from the point of its leg.  It settled back onto all eight legs as Smith's voice broke through the ringing in West's ears.  “We have to end this!”
    “I'm with you!” West shouted over his suit's comm as he leveled his weapon at the Overmind's central mass and fired the last of his 105 rounds.  Again, chunks of the monster exploded and a darker shade of orange blood splashed everywhere. The massive Overmind stayed upright, refusing to fall despite the grievous wounds it had suffered from. 
    West saw movement out of the corner of his eye.  He jerked his head around to see hordes of Dog Kaiju entering the cavern through the entrance he and Alpha Squad had used.  There were too many of the monsters to count. 
    “We have company!” West screamed.  He spun to engage the newcomers, a stream of

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