Juneau Heat

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Book: Juneau Heat by Tressie Lockwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tressie Lockwood
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down too fast. He raised her up and lowered her at lightning speed.
Her breasts bounced over his chest, scraping her nipples. She screamed in
excitement. Birk slid up behind her and reached between them to pinch her clit.
The friction of Kotori’s cock inside her and Birk pinching her bud brought her
to another orgasm. She collapsed on Birk’s chest when it ended.
tugged her away from his friend, not allowing her to rest. He never lost their
connection as he drove his cock deep inside of her. Each thrust accompanied him
squeezing her ass and fingering her rear entrance. When Kotori jerked, she knew
he was ready. Seconds later, he let go of a long, satisfied moan. Birk pulled
her free of his arms and laid Shiya on the bed while Kotori rose from it. Birk
stretched the length of his body over hers and ran a hand along her outer
thigh. They stared into each other’s eyes, and Shiya felt herself becoming
    “Are you
too sore for a little more?” he asked.
    She almost
fainted from the question, but she shook her head. “No.”
    He eased
his cock inside of her and took his time, gliding in and out. Slow and easy,
their bodies came together and drifted apart. A tormenting pleasure began in
Shiya’s core and steadily grew. She buried her face in Birk’s neck. He held her
tighter to him, and just when she came, he matched it, a tremor vibrating his
limbs that touched hers. They both sighed when it ended, and Shiya found she
couldn’t keep her eyes open as she drifted off to sleep.
    * * * *
opened her eyes to a dark room. Birk and Kotori lay on either side of her, and
she remembered how, while she slept, one or the other laid a heavy arm over her
waist or slung a leg across hers. She’d had to thrust them away because she
felt like they crushed her. At first she thought the two men slept like the
dead in how still they were, but as soon as she put a hand up to rub her eyes,
Kotori rolled over toward her, and Birk spoke.
    “Okay?” he
asked. “Not too sore?”
    “I’m fine.”
She sat up, but Birk rested a hand on her arm.
    “I want— we want—to say something to you.”
    Birk swung
his feet over the side of the bed and clicked the lamp on. He seemed to have no
compunction about being naked, but she pulled a sheet up over her. “Go ahead.”
    “I’ll take
a shower and dress first.” He stood and disappeared into the bathroom.
stirred in her stomach. What could they have to say? Did they not enjoy
themselves last night? No, that couldn’t be it. The men had let her sleep a
short while and then woke her to go at it again. Their appetites were
unbelievable, and she’d found it hard to keep up. Yet, every touch sent her
into the stratosphere, so she didn’t mind.
    When Birk
vacated the bathroom, Kotori took his turn. Birk walked to the living room to
retrieve his and Kotori’s clothes and returned to dress where she lay. Once
again, she admired his body, taking in the valleys and plains, the corded
muscle and sinew. When he yanked his boots on, his arm muscles bulged, and she
sighed, remembering how they felt wrapped around her.
    At last,
they were both dressed, and Shiya had made no attempt to rise from the bed. She
scooted up near the top and clutched the sheet under her arms. When Kotori eyed
the imprint of her nipples behind the thin material, she crossed her arms. The
man was impossible.
    “So what’s
this about?” she said, hoping it wasn’t something bad.
    Birk leaned
against the wall, arms folded. He opened the blinds and peered out as if he had
nothing better to do with his day other than to watch the water. Shiya swung
her gaze from first one man to the other. Kotori appeared content to let Birk
head the conversation.
    She opened
her mouth to prompt Birk, but when he spoke, she snapped her teeth together so
hard it shot a clang of pain through her head.
    “You know
what we are, Shiya.”
    The bottom
dropped out of her world. He couldn’t mean what she thought.

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