Johnny Angel

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Book: Johnny Angel by Saranna DeWylde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Saranna DeWylde
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wasn’t even the most unbelievable part. He was hot and he was standing in her apartment. That was full-on Santa Claus territory.
    He crouched down on the balls of his feet and he was almost eye level with her. “My name is Johnny Gallo. And I’m your Clarence.”
    “I thought you said your name was Johnny?”
    “You’ve been watching Christmas movies all week, right? It’s A Wonderful Life ? Yeah. Clarence. The almost angel who has to help someone to earn his wings.”
                  She raised a brow and her nose wrinkled. “You’re an angel? I’m going to have to call bullshit on that one, sir.”
                  He sighed as if she were the dumbest of all creatures. “You weren’t listening, Sofia. I’m not an angel yet. In fact, helping you? That’ll just keep me from taking a trip downtown if you know what I mean. I’ve got a long way before I can earn my wings. I was…” he sighed again, “ am a bit of bastard.”
                  Laughter bubbled up and she surrendered to it, honking like an angry goose. “This has to be real. Only in my life would this happen. I get a self-admitted bastard angel who’s on the fast track to Hell and he’s supposed to help me ? You can’t even help yourself. I think I’ll just take the white light and the harp now, thanks.”
                  His eyes rolled heavenward. “See? See? ” he demanded of the ceiling. “I’m honest and this is what I get. And You wonder why I don’t want to do it. I wasn’t cut out for this angel gig.”
                  Sofia remembered what he’d said about going downtown. If he didn’t help her, he’d go straight to the Devil. She exhaled heavily. She couldn’t have that on her conscience.
                  A tiny voice in the back of her head reminded her that he was paying for his actions in life. If he went to warmer climes, it was what he’d earned. Regardless, of that, it couldn’t hurt to hear what he had to say. Could it? They were just words, but Sofia knew firsthand that words could be sharper than any sword.
                  “So Angel-boy, if I help you get your wings, what do I get out of it?”
                  “A happy, fulfilled life?”
                  “Something more immediate, I think. I’m still not buying that you’ll be able to help me improve my circumstances. You want to go all Ghost of Christmas Past, you’ll see there weren’t any memories worth keeping.”
                  “I’m dead. I can’t give you anything. If you want winning lotto numbers, that’s another department. I’m in Christmas.” He shrugged and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
                  “Yes, you can. I want one favor.”
                  “Again, open-ended deals are another department. Downstairs.”
                  “Not from your department , Angel-boy. You. Personally.”
                  “I’m not authorized—” The lights on the Christmas tree in the corner suddenly blazed to life. “Fine. One favor,” he agreed.
                  Sofia knew she was going to regret this. She knew it as sure as all that gingerbread was going to give her a pimple on her chin. Because she hadn’t really wanted a favor. She wanted one night with him. Sofia didn’t want to die a virgin, but it seemed a little sacrilegious to demand sex from an angel. Even if he didn’t have the wings just yet. That would probably earn her a spot “downtown” as well.
                  “Deal. So what do I have to do now?” She rubbed her hands together, ready to dig in to the task at hand.
                  “First, clean the vomit off my boots. Then maybe brush your teeth?”
                  Heat flooded her cheeks. “Sorry. My bad.”
                  “No big deal. Choking to death is

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