Jodi Thomas

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Authors: A Husband for Holly
that whispered that maybe he’d left her.
    Sam met her at the barn door. “The roan’s going to make it!” he said. “She’s even testing some weight on that right front foot this morning. Whatever that captain did, he did right. She may not still run like the wind, but she’ll have many a foal for years to come.”
    Holly tried to act happy, but she doubted she fooled Sam. “Where’s Zach?” she asked, looking past the old man for her Yankee.
    The old man’s face became a waterfall of wrinkles. “He rode out of here about three hours ago. It couldn’t have been a minute past dawn.”
    Holly blinked hard and tried to swallow. “Did he say where he was going?”
    “No,” Sam tried to read her. “He knew you didn’t want no part of a mail-order husband, not even as a Christmas present, so my guess is he’ll be back on the train come tomorrow morning.”
    Holly fought the tears. “Well, he’s wrong. I do want him.”
    “You want me and Luther to ride into town and get him back for you?” Sam asked. “We’ll hog-tie him in the wagon if we have to.”
    “No!” Holly had never wanted to cry so dearly in all her life. “I want a husband who walks in of his own free will and asks me to marry him.” She didn’t add that she’d never want another man but Zach for as long as she lived. She’d give him the ranch if he’d just come back. It didn’t matter to her anymore. Nothing mattered but the feel of his arms around her.
    Sam scratched his balding head. “Two days ago, you couldn’t talk enough about sending him back. Now you’ve decided you want to keep him. Holly, you’re a hard one to get a Christmas present for.”
    She ignored his ramblings and stormed back into the house. The garlands and colorful ribbons only made her more lonely. Christmas was a time for rejoicing, yet all she wanted to do was curl up in a corner and cry. The most wonderful man in the world had been handed to her, and she’d been foolish enough to want more. What did it matter that he was willing to marry anyone? She only wanted him.
    The sound of horses traveling fast drew her attention. She walked to the porch and wondered what sort of trouble was arriving now. If it was the pack of boys she’d run off last night returning, they were too late. Their beating hadn’t run the Yankee off; her loving had.
    Holly shielded her eyes as she spotted four men galloping across the land. All wore the same blue wool coats Zach had worn, and their hats were pinned as his, marking them as cavalry. She couldn’t see their faces, but she knew trouble. Without any extra movement, she lowered her hand and unstrapped the gun’s guard from her holster.
    A cloud of dry snow surrounded them as they reined to a stop in front of her cabin. With a sharp command, all four climbed down from their horses.
    “Miss McCarter?” A nice-looking officer removed his hat as he took the first step up the porch.
    “Yes,” Holly answered.
    He bowed slightly. “My name’s Henry, Henry Anderson. I’m from Maine, but my mother was a McCarter before she married.”
    Holly tried to be polite, but her impatience was showing. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Anderson, but I’m sure we’re no kin. To my knowledge, neither my mother nor father have any living relatives. May I ask why you’ve ridden onto my land?”
    “I came to make proper introductions.” The young officer looked nervous, but his smile was honest. “Even though we may not be kin, may I have the honor of introducing one of our most decorated officers to you.”
    Holly didn’t answer, so the young man continued, “We met him in town this morning. We’re on our way to the frontier to help with the Indian problem, but he asked us to take time to introduce him properly to you.”
    Zach stepped from between the horses as the man continued, “Miss Holly McCarter, I’d like you to meet Captain Zachary Hamilton.”
    Zach took her hand politely in his gloved hand and bowed as he kissed her fingers.

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