Jocelyn's Choice
kissed my lips.
    "Jocelyn, I . . . ." He stopped talking and moved in for a longer, deeper kiss. His hands were suddenly everywhere, and before I realized it, he had my shirt unbuttoned and over my shoulders.
    I sat up and wiggled out of it; I was just as eager as he was to continue.
    He got up and pulled me toward him, trailing his lips along my jaw, down my neck, and to the top of my shoulder. His warm breath made me tremble. He slipped my bra strap down over my shoulder and continued to kiss my skin, moving his body behind mine. Time seemed to be standing still. Alex's movements were slow and deliberate, and he left not one inch of my body neglected.
    He moved his hands up and down my back as his lips brushed my neck. I felt him moving up to the clasp of my bra, and then it was off and on the floor with my shirt. He pressed his lips against my spine as his hands moved up to cup my breasts. He continued to move his mouth up my back and over my shoulder, then he turned my body so I was facing him. He placed his hand on my cheek as he stared into my eyes.
    When I looked at him, I could feel how much he wanted to take care of me. His actions were soft and gentle. He slowly ran his fingertips under my breasts as he kissed me.
    I couldn't take it anymore; my body was in overdrive. I reached for the hem of his shirt and slipped it up his stomach; he quickly pulled it over his head. I climbed into his lap and hooked my legs around his waist, longing to feel his skin against mine.
    "Jocelyn," he said in a breathless voice. "I want you."
    "I want to do it," I whispered against his lips.
    He captured my face between his hands and asked, "Are you sure?"
    I nodded.
    He flipped me onto my back and reached for the button of my pants, then he lowered the zipper and pulled the tight jeans down my legs, dragging my panties along with them. My cheeks were burning with embarrassment; I felt so very exposed. I sat up and pulled him over me, attempting to cover my body with his.
    "I think you're beautiful." He smiled. "You don't have to be embarrassed."
    I closed my eyes and tried to relax, but my body shook against his. He slipped his hand down between my legs, like he had so many other times, and pushed his fingers inside me. He must have felt how tense I was.
    "I'm gonna go slow, babe," he whispered. "We have all night."
    "I trust you." I moaned as his fingers slipped deep inside me. He was so good at that, and over the past few weeks, my body had become accustomed to his touch. I immediately responded to him and craved his every move.
    "You're so ready for me," he whispered against my mouth. "Soon, I'll be buried deep inside you." He set off every nerve ending in my body with his fingers and the vibration of his sexy voice.
    He kissed me slowly and I tried to catch my breath. As he continued to kiss me, I felt him reach down between us and unbuckle his belt. I fought off another bout of nerves when I heard the sound of his zipper. He got up off the bed and slipped his jeans over his hips, then stepped out of them.
    His erection strained against his boxers.
    He grabbed the comforter and sheets and pulled them back, nodding for me to get under them before he clicked off the lamp. He climbed in with me, wrapping his arms around me. My body was cold from anxiety, but he was so warm and tender.
    "I've never waited this long for anyone, Jocelyn," he whispered. "And I'm not telling you that to be obnoxious. I just want you to know I think you're worth the wait, and you can change your mind."
    "I don't want to wait," I said. "I want this, I want you."
    I only hoped I could please him.
    Before I could think about anything else, his mouth was suddenly on my breast.
    He swirled his tongue around my nipple as he moved his hand over and teased my other one with his fingertips. He trailed his lips down my stomach, moving lower and lower.
    Oh, God, was he going to . . . ?
    His tongue was pressing against my sweet spot as he used his fingers to spread me

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