Jesus the Extraterrestrial - Origins

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Book: Jesus the Extraterrestrial - Origins by Leo Mark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leo Mark
Tags: Fiction, Thrillers, Jesus, Novel, extraterrestrial
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terrible things to its fellow humans in the name of Jesus. But the Son of God did prove that man’s essence is good, and that our mistakes are due to the environment in which each of us is brought up. If we are brought up in an atmosphere of hate, we grow up hating. But if we grow up isolated from the world and from any kind of influence, our tendency is to practice good not evil.
    ‘To change the subject a little: do you remember that the Bible says that Lucifer was cast out of heaven with other angels? Well, Lucifer’s plan was always to take God’s place, in other words he wants to be the king of planet Earth. There is a secret society you are familiar with, called Illuminati. The Illuminati are servants of Lucifer and they control another society called the Bilderberg Club. This Club you´ve never heard of, but it consists of kings, princes, queens, presidents, politicians, billionaires - the lords of the world. Most of the members are people who honestly believe they are doing humanity a favor, intending to set up a single global government, unelected by the people: their principal goal is to rule the earth and do away with hunger, poverty and war in return for power and more power. What they don´t know is that behind them there is a more powerful force manipulating them. And behind that force is Lucifer. When the club succeeds in setting up the New World Order, Lucifer will take over. And the day is very near. The UN, NATO, the G7 and more recently the European Union are all institutions created with the purpose of forming a single cell of power, controlled by the few.’
    ‘But why doesn’t Lucifer take power now. Why must he wait till the world is run by a single body?’ asked Sarah, looking worried.
    ‘My dear, this was what I explained to your grandmother early this morning. Suppose that Lucifer became president of the USA, the most powerful nation on earth. If this happened and he began to do what he plans, other countries would go to war with the US, we would have a nuclear war and life on earth would end. If Lucifer waits till there is a New World Order, a single body of power, no one will go to war with him, he will declare himself god of the earth and no one will be able to stop him. That´s the difference. He’s waiting for the right moment, and that moment is coming.’
    ‘But, father, do you think the clone of Jesus will be able to stop such powerful people?’
    ‘Son, you haven’t understood. My theory is that this clone’s purpose is to facilitate Jesus’ return - he will be reincarnated in the clone and show the world that he’s back, and then he’ll fight against the New World Order being established; after all, he’s the Son of God, he must have some powers. A man who could cure crowds, raise the dead and rise from the dead himself must be pretty powerful; and if the angel said he should be born again at a time like this one, then I think it must be precisely to fight against these lords of the world. Now do you understand the importance of all this?’
    Sarah got up with her hand over her eyes, walked into the living room and threw herself down on the sofa. The others followed her, concerned at how she was reacting.
    ‘What is it, darling?’ asked Jane, worried about her granddaughter.
    ‘Nothing, grandma. I´m just trying to digest all this, trying to believe. Reason tells me not to believe in this sort of stuff, but my heart is telling me the opposite. My brain’s at war.’
    ‘Yes, Dad,’ said Thomas, ‘I need to digest all this too and think it through. Can I take this blood to my lab to analyze it?’
    ‘Of course you can, but not today. I want you both to sleep here and go home tomorrow morning early. Your mother and I are going upstairs and we’ll leave you on your own to talk this over. It’s very important you don´t discuss this with anyone else, especially not with your mother, Sarah. Good night to you both.’

    Washington DC, 22nd February 1991
    At the

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