It's an Aardvark-Eat-Turtle World

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Book: It's an Aardvark-Eat-Turtle World by Paula Danziger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paula Danziger
has also made her a little bonkers.”
    He nods.
    We just look at each other.
    There’s no more talk about Phoebe.
    Someone walks in and asks for popcorn.
    â€œMake it yourself,” Jason tells him.
    We just keep staring at each other.
    Aviva comes into the kitchen. “The Rolling Stones video is on. Dance time.”
    â€œWant to?” Jason asks.
    I nod yes, figuring that he’s asking me to dance but ready for more hand-holding if that’s what he means.
    We go into the other room and dance.
    He’s a good dancer. I like the way he moves his body.
    Uh-oh . . . I’m not sure I should be thinking about that.
    The dancing goes on until the end of the video and then people sit down to watch
    At 6:00 A.M ., when the films end and people go home, Jason and I kiss goodnight . . . and then good morning. And then he asks me to spend the day with him.
    â€œYes,” I say.
    We each head to our own rooms for a nap, planning to meet in a couple of hours.
    When I get into bed, I think about how I’ve finally met a boy who I really like who likes me.
    I also think about how nice it was to kiss him.
    I hope that he feels the same way.
    Maybe I’m not the best kisser in the world, but I have a feeling that I could get better with practice.
    I’m so excited that I think I’ll never fall asleep but I must, because the next thing I hear as I wake up is Phoebe saying “Rosie, are you awake?”
    â€œNow I am.” I yawn.
    â€œI want to talk to you.” Phoebe is sitting up on her bed.
    It’s probably one of the first times that she’s gotten up before me.
    Sitting up, I say, “Okay.”
    She’s holding on tight to her pillow, which I hope is not going to turn into a weapon.
    â€œRosie, I thought you were here to be with me,” she says.
    â€œI am with you.” I look at her. “Can’t I talk to other people?”
    â€œYou’ve spent a lot of time with other people. First with Aviva and then with Jason. I felt all alone.”
    â€œI don’t understand. In Woodstock, we’re not together all the time. You’re with Dave a lot. You’re with other friends. There were a lot of kids to talk to last night.” I try to reason with her.
    Phoebe looks sad. “You make friends easier than I do. My friends in Woodstock are the ones you introduced me to when I moved there.”
    I never realized that Phoebe felt that way.
    She continues, “It’s also easier for me to deal with my mother and Duane with you here.”
    â€œBut you got along well with your mother yesterday . . . and aren’t you supposed to spend the day shopping with her today?”
    Phoebe nods. “Yes, it’s not as bad as I thought it would be, but it helps to know you’re there in case it goes badly.”
    I think about my date today with Jason and knowthat there’s going to be trouble when Phoebe finds out.
    â€œLook,” I say. “It’s good for you to be with your mother and work things out . . . .Also, I would like to spend the day with Jason . . . .He asked me out.”
    â€œYou’re going out with him?”
    I nod.
    â€œBut you’re supposed to be with me.” She pouts.
    It’s so confusing. She’s right. I was brought here to be with her, but I’ve also met Jason and want to spend some time with him. It really is the first time ever that I’ve met a boy like him.
    I don’t understand Phoebe anymore. She used to be different. She was my very best friend, and now sometimes I’m not even sure that she cares about me for
    â€œWhat do you want me to do?” I ask. “Pay you back for the airplane flight? Go home now?” I stare at her. “Spend every second with you? Ask permission to go to the bathroom by myself?”
    â€œI’m not that bad,” Phoebe says.
    â€œYou are.” I glare. “You’re

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