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Book: Itchcraft by Simon Mayo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Simon Mayo
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didn’t. So when Dr Dart approved a science trip, I thought I should see what I could do.’
    ‘So it’s Madrid,’ said Itch.
    Mr Hampton nodded. ‘It’s Madrid.’
    After school the following day, Lucy wheeled her bike up to Itch and Jack, who were waiting for Chloe in the reception hall. ‘Hey! Been thinking about that Watkins’ secret you were talking about. We should call in at the library on the way home. If the “mining deaths” search doesn’t come up online, we should try there. There’s a big local history section I used once for a tourism essay.’
    ‘OK,’ said Itch, ‘but I’m not a member. Never been in there.’
    ‘Me neither,’ said Chloe.
    ‘Same,’ said Jack.
    ‘But I have!’ said Lucy. ‘Follow me . . .’
    The walk to the library saw them all in high spirits; the term had started a whole lot better than they had expected. They were laughing as they passed a rather surprised librarian and dropped their bags around the ‘Local History’ table. There were four bookshelves in two facing rows and they stood looking at the hundreds of books.
    Lucy headed for the nearest shelf. ‘
Old Parish Churches of Cornwall, Smuggling in Cornwall, Old Cornish Inns
 . . . All fascinating, I’m sure, but not helpful. Where do we start?’
    ‘Why don’t we ask her?’ said Itch, pointing at the librarian. ‘It’s her patch.’
    ‘Good idea,’ said Jack, and they all approached the woman sitting behind a vast table covered in books, leaflets and posters.
    The librarian was younger than Itch expected a librarian to be, but was at least forty; her badge said MORGAN . She smiled as they approached and dabbed her mouth with a napkin. ‘Hello. How can I help?’
    The three girls all looked at Itch.
    ‘Er, we have, erm, a school project on mining, and we were wondering if you had any books covering the period 1800 to 1877.’
    ‘Sure. We’ve got quite a few on mining – and Cornish mining in particular.’ She led them to a two-shelf run of books. ‘These bottom shelves go from pre-history to the present day. You should find everything you need here, but it is a popular section – some books may be out. Good luck!’
    They all sat on the floor and started to pull out a variety of books.
    ‘Remind me what we’re looking for . . .’ said Chloe.
    ‘No idea,’ Itch replied, ‘but something that explains why Watkins has gone all secretive on us.’
    ‘Anyone heard of the Ding Dong mine at Land’s End?’ said Jack from behind the covers of a large book. ‘Apparently there’s a legend that says Jesus is supposed to have addressed the miners there.’
    ‘Don’t think it’ll be that, Jack,’ said Itch.
    ‘Cornish miners led the rebellion of 1497 against Henry the Seventh?’ offered Lucy from her book.
    ‘Arsenic was found with copper ore at the Callington mine, and the dust often killed the miners,’ read Chloe. She looked at her brother. ‘These guys were the original element hunters really – this is all your stuff, Itch: copper, tin, arsenic, silver.’
    Itch nodded. ‘I know. And it was dangerous – there were loads of accidents. But everyone knows about that, so why should Watkins be doing more work on it?’
    ‘Could we see if he’s taken any books out recently?’ wondered Lucy.
    Itch smiled at her. ‘Now that’s a good idea. But the librarian won’t tell us just like that, will she?’
    ‘Let’s see . . .’ said Lucy, and walked back to Morgan the librarian. ‘Hi again,’ she said. ‘Sorry to trouble you. Our teacher, John Watkins – you might know him, I think he comes here sometimes – has recommended a book, but none of us can remember the title. Or the author! We’re all feeling a little dumb, but we don’t want to get into trouble . . .’ Lucy smiled and pulled an ‘I’m-in-trouble’ face.
    The librarian nodded. ‘Of course I know him. I’m not allowed to give you anyone’s borrowing history, of course . . . but there are a couple

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