Island of Secrets

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Book: Island of Secrets by Carolyn Keene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn Keene
lovely,” Scott said softly.
    Nancy was amazed. She’d expected anger, indifference—almost anything but Scott’s wistful praise. “Barb said you know Angie from college.”
    â€œYes.” He frowned at the folded paper.
    â€œDid you meet in class?” Nancy asked.
    â€œNo, in her father’s pizza shop. She works there as a waitress part-time.” He paused, then suddenly rushed on. “All her brothers and sisters help out in the restaurant. But Angie’s so smart, she shouldn’t have to work. She should be able to spend all her time on her courses—”
    He abruptly stopped and glanced shyly at Nancy. “I don’t know why I’m telling you all this.”
    â€œIt’s fascinating,” Nancy said.
    â€œAre you really a detective?”
    â€œI’ve solved a few cases,” she said, then smiled. “But I’ve never been able to solve the mystery of love.”
    â€œWho has?” Scott said thoughtfully.
    â€œYou were telling me about Angie and how hard she works.”
    â€œI’m not blaming her parents, you know,” he said in quick protest. “They’re great people and they treat me like one of their family. And her dad let Angie come to Block Island this summer, even though he really needed her help.”
    Nancy listened, thinking how different Scott was from her first impression of him. Talking about Angie, he was open and warm. He almost sounded as if he were still in love with her. She wondered if she dared to ask him about Angie’s visit to the yacht, but she decided not to risk it.
    â€œOne reason Tony’s Pizza is so popular,” he continued, “is because her dad’s a super guy”
    Nancy sipped her soda while Scott told her about Angie’s brothers and sisters and her mother’s incredible lasagna. Finally she glanced at her watch and said, “Wow, I didn’t realize it was so late. I’d better be going.”
    Scott stuffed the folded paper in the pocket of his jeans. “I’ll give you a ride to shore.” He cocked his head, listening for a moment. “I’d better lend you a foul weather jacket. Sounds like the wind has picked up.”
    Nancy fastened the yellow slicker over her windbreaker and followed him up on deck. Scott was right—the wind was even stronger than earlier. Over its roar, Nancy heard the chimes of a hundred wire halyards slapping against metal masts all over the harbor.
    â€œThe radio said this was going to be quite a storm,” Nancy said as they climbed into the SueSue. “Are you planning to ride it out on board?”
    â€œI told my father I would.” Scott pulled at the loose neckline of his jacket as if it were chokinghim. Was he worried about the storm? “Someone has to be here in case of trouble.”
    â€œWouldn’t you rather take a room on shore for the night?” Nancy asked.
    Scott grinned. “I’d only lie awake worrying about Emily Sue.” He started the motor and headed for the pier. When they reached the dock, Nancy grabbed the ladder to steady the boat. “Thanks for the soda. Maybe I’ll see you around.”
    â€œHey, listen,” Scott said. “You won’t say anything about . . . uh  . . .”
    â€œAngie? Of course not.” She took off the slicker he’d given her and handed it to him. “I’m a good listener, but I’m not a gossip.”
    â€œYeah, I might have guessed that. I don’t usually . . .” He shrugged, embarrassed.
    Nancy smiled. “Thanks again—I really enjoyed seeing your boat.” She stepped onto the ladder at the dock.
    â€œCome back sometime and I’ll give you the grand tour,” Scott promised.
    â€œI’d like that.” She waved goodbye, headed for her moped, and rode toward home. She planned to talk to Scott again soon, now that he had opened up to her. She still

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