Into the Killer Sphere
didn’t hesitate at all.
    Chase tapped something into his smartphone, then benefited from the brief moment of silence - since Ramona was catching her breath - to take the floor. Probably she was about to tell him why and how the dogs had been fed and taken out for a walk, but Chase was not interested in her outpourings.
    “I can imagine, Ramona. It’s going to be difficult for you, I can totally understand. I also suppose that the day Signor Galli died, something definitely upset your routine, right?” Chase said, narrowing his eyes.
    Ramona stopped sorting out the trays and laid the dishtowel on the counter.
    “Each time something new happens, it has to be marked on the calendar, trust me. That day was a very rainy and windy , and we heard a loud noise coming from the garden that frightened us. It turned out to be the tree branches banging on the gutters. Anyhow, Signor Galli was worried about his dogs, so he calmed them down by giving them dinner before the scheduled time. Then I went out to the grocery; you know, Wednesdays are shopping days, even a thunderstorm can’t change that. Anyway, that was the last time I saw Signor Galli alive.” And then she started crying quietly. Chase took the tray she was holding and handed her a tissue.
    Although it was the time agreed by everyone to meet up on the patio and go to the church, only Agata Galli, dressed all in black, showed up punctually. She couldn’t stop looking at the clock, visibly annoyed, waving her dark umbrella with a beautiful decorated silver grip. Chase came over to keep her company, exchanging a few words about the weather and the seasons. Unfortunately he immediately regretted his good intentions.
    “Your Italian should be better, mio caro . How long have you been working here?” Agata asked.
    “I’ve been in Tursenia since last July, so it’s been eight months,” he replied.
    “It’s not good, caro ragazzo . You must aim to speak perfect, fluent Italian, no matter if you’ve only been here for few months. I was in Germany and France for a while, during the Second World War, and I immediately learnt their languages.”
    Chase remembered what his mom would say about old people: “ Always show respect, especially if they are war veterans. ” Even if it was the petulant Agata Galli.
    Suddenly, Chase saw a weird shadow darkening the sun. It was like a big bird flying over their heads. Moreover, at the same time he sensed an almost imperceptible hiss coming from the sky, as if something was falling down. He had just a split second to lift his head up to react.
    A huge flower pot was plunging down towards the old woman. Chase shoved her out of the way with a sudden forceful push, sending her crashing onto the ground. He prayed that she wouldn’t break any bones. But, even if she did, it was much better than dying. The vessel smacked against his shoulder, slightly changing its trajectory.
    “Dear God, that hurt!” Chase thought. His shoulder was smarting a bit, but he ignored it. He tried to spot someone above him, on the balcony that overlooked the patio, but he couldn’t see anybody. Then he hurried to the old lady, who was still on the ground, trembling like a leaf. She was trying not to betray her fear; she was too proud to show it. Chase stooped towards Agata, and offered his hand to help her get up.
    “Are you ok?” he asked her.
    She looked at Chase as though he were the culprit.
    “Sì,” she abruptly said and, with difficulty, stood up without any aid. Chase glanced up again to pinpoint where the pot had dropped from. There was an empty spot along the bloom-filled balcony – which was the exact same spot where the heavy flowerpot, now lying shattered on the ground, used to stand.
    “ Santo cielo, I nearly ended up in the grave with my poor son!” she exclaimed breathlessly and still upset.
    Chase brushed down the lady’s clothes, then dusted himself down too. Had the killer smelt a rat and attempted retaliation, maybe? The

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