Into Temptation (A More Than Men Novella)

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Book: Into Temptation (A More Than Men Novella) by Kira Sinclair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kira Sinclair
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will enjoy keeping his boot on me for a little while, but how long do you think it will take for me to remind him just how valuable a commodity I am?”
    “You have plenty of enemies.”
    The threat carried little weight. “So do you. The question you have to ask yourself is, are you willing to make me one of them?”
    Spitting in his face, Kearn tried to head butt him away, but Brone anticipated the move and tightened his hold. The other angel struggled for breath. They didn’t need it to survive, but the loss of it was painful, a perfect form of torture.
    Kearn had just enough air left to croak out, “Finish the job, Brone.”
    “Oh, I plan on it.”
    “Are you certain? I’ve been watching you. Your time away has made you soft. You’ve fallen for the girl.”
    It would be useless to deny. “So? That only means I’m more anxious to fulfill Lucifer’s bidding. I want to protect her daughter just as much as she does. And I want her in Hell with me.”
    “That’s sweet, that you think Lucifer will let you have her.”
    Brone sneered. “Of course he won’t, but at least I can see her. And eternity is a very long time. Don’t underestimate my ability to maneuver situations into exactly what I want.”
    “Because that worked out so well for you the last time.”
    “Maybe not, but I was adept at it for centuries before that. One failure doesn’t wipe away every success. And I’m patient. My years in exile should prove that.”
    It was Kearn’s turn to frown. “I’ll be watching.”
    “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”
    Loosening his grip, Brone was no more than a half step away before Kearn disappeared.
    Taking a deep breath, Brone tried to settle the churning sensation deep in the pit of his stomach. He had one chance to make this work and the presence of his babysitter just made that infinitely more difficult.
    Unfortunately failure wasn’t an option. Not when Evie’s soul hung in the balance.
    Evie took a deep breath. Her gaze darted across the words on the page before her, the closing arguments she’d prepared. It was almost over. In a few minutes the jury would have the case and it would be out of her hands…and in Brone’s.
    Without meaning to, she glanced behind her and found him sitting in the back of the room. She’d known the moment he walked in. Her entire body had lit up like a Christmas tree, energy and awareness blinking on and off in a rhythm that matched the force of his body moving against hers.
    Her lips tipped into a small smile. He didn’t smile back. His face was set in stone, remote and removed from everything. A cold trickle of fear slipped through the ever-present heat.
    Motion from the other side of the courtroom caught her attention. Grasping at the excuse, Evie dragged her gaze away. She looked straight into pitch-black eyes that stared back at her. That gaze bored into her, digging deep. She could feel the invasion, although there was nothing she could do to stop it.
    Her entire body jerked, trying to find a way free, but she couldn’t break the connection.
    Until Brone slid between them.
    “Ms. Carr, we’re waiting.”
    Evie stared at the judge frowning down at her from the bench. She blinked. The lawyers on the opposite side shifted and snickered softly. Monroe grinned at her with wicked confidence. She wanted to wipe the expression off his face.
    Resolve tightened her muscles. Tapping together her notes, Evie stood and addressed the jury. Several of the twelve moved in their seats. Some wouldn’t meet her gaze, which wasn’t a good sign. But they listened quietly, and when she was finished, Evie sat back down in her seat, certain of the outcome.
    The defense made their remarks, and the judge turned the case over to the jury. Evie stuffed her things into her bag and glanced around the courtroom. All around her people were filing out of the room. Across from her Monroe was being led away in handcuffs.
    And Brone was nowhere to be found. Unease tightened her

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