only one who knows how to save your putrid, insignificant lives. Go back to your media-induced comas where you believe all the crap spieled by greedy politicians who control you with ill-conceived lies and consumer-driven distractions."
    "Aren't those consumer-driven distractions what keep you in business, Bubba?" Nick asked as he approached him.
    Bubba narrowed his dark brown eyes on Nick with disgust. "Don't sass me, Nick. I'm not a morning person and I might take my ill mood out on you."
    "Yeah, I know. So what are you doing up at this hour, anyway?"
    "Haven't slept. Got a call from Fingerman at oh dawn thirty telling me there were zombies on the loose and that he needed reinforcement. So I grabbed my gun and we went hunting in the bayou." Normal people might find this conversation odd, but then all conversations with Bubba were odd, and zombie hunting was just another service he offered at his store.
    "Mark get eaten?"
    "Nah, the little wuss fell asleep on the way back to the store. He's cuddled up in the front seat like an infant girl, sucking his thumb and holding his jacket tucked under him like a pillow. Don't know what I'm going to do with him."
    Nick opened his mouth to make another comment when he realized that conversations had stopped. The hair on the back of his neck stood up. Turning his head, he saw Brian being led out of the school in handcuffs.
    Except for the blood marring his letterman's jacket, he looked normal. Completely. Totally. Normal. Yeah, his skin was a little pale and his eyes sunken like he hadn't slept well. But other than that...
    No one could tell he'd tried to eat his best friend.
    Brian slowed as he neared the captain of the team. Their gazes locked in such a way that it seemed like they were communicating without speaking.
    The cops shoved him forward.
    Brian kept his gaze on the captain until he was forced into the police car.
    Nick looked at Bubba. "Is it just me or was that weird?"
    Bubba gave him a droll stare. "Is there any part of this day that hasn't been weird, boy?"
    Good point.
    "So what do you think caused this?" Nick asked.
    Bubba scratched his head. "That I'm trying to figure out. Normal zombie attacks--"
    That made Nick wonder what would qualify as an abnormal attack.
    "--are done by dead people brought back from their graves. They're under the control of their masters and attack humans to get a taste of blood. But this ... the kid wasn't dead yet. Makes no sense to me."
    "Maybe someone spiked his Wheaties?"
    Bubba shook his head. "Well, there is some chemicals what can give a human zombie-like symptoms. But none of them make a person eat another one. Maybe it's some bioterrorism test being run by the government. Don't be drinking no tap water or seafood until I do some testing."
    Nick grinned. "I don't normally drink my seafood, Bubba, but--"
    "Don't get smart with me, Gautier. I still got loaded weapons from last night."
    Nick opened his mouth to speak, but a hysterical scream silenced him.
    "Oh my God! The coach just ate Mr. Peters! Someone help! Help!"
    The police went running into the school as the secretary came dashing out, screaming in terror and tearing at her hair.
    Nick froze as those words about Peters seeped into his brain. On the one hand he was horrified the man had been eaten. On the other...
    He was strangely happy. The sanctimonious pig kind of deserved it.
    Nick, that's so wong. He heard his mom's voice in his head. Yeah, maybe it was, but he still couldn't help thinking it was some kind of divine payback.
    The police forced the crowd back as the media rushed the school, trying to get photos and footage.
    Suddenly, the vice principal was outside with a bullhorn. "School is canceled for the day. Students go home. We'll be calling later in the day with information. Please ... disperse and leave. Any student found on campus will be suspended. Now go home and don't come back here today."
    "And hopefully tomorrow too," one of the students shouted.
    Bubba spat

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