In Your Arms

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Book: In Your Arms by Becky Andrews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becky Andrews
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depths of his soul. She was drowning in the deep blue sea of Phillip.
    He leaned closer until his face was inches from hers.
    Sam could feel the warmth of his breath as his lips lingered close to her own.
    Phillip was so gorgeous at that moment, so easy to talk to, and she wanted him to kiss her more than she’d ever wanted anything. Phillip’s lips hovered in front of Sam’s for what seemed like an eternity. He slowly drew even nearer. She closed her eyes and waited to feel the soft touch of his lips on hers.
    “Sam!” David, her brother, yelled outside her room. Phillip and Sam jumped apart. “Benjamin wants you to put him to bed!”
    “Uh, um, okay. I”ll—I’ll…be there in a minute,” she stammered.
    “I better get going,” Phillip said, standing up and running a hand through his dark hair.
    “Um, okay. I have to…” Sam pointed toward the door, feeling like a fool.
    “Yeah, well, I’ll see you when I see you,” Phillip managed to say as he grabbed his things.
    “Thanks again for stopping by,” Sam said, opening the door.
    “Bye, Sam,” Phillip said as he walked down the stairs. “Say goodbye to Benny for me.”
    “Yeah, sure,” she said as Phillip shut the door. “”Goodbye, handsome,” she whispered after he was gone.

Chapter Six

    S am woke up the next Monday morning to the sound of her mother yelling her name up the stairs. It had been almost a week since the school shooting, and the school was opening for the first time since that day. They had informed the parents they were implementing stricter security measures, more cameras, and metal detectors at the entrance. They also had informed all the students that there would be several councilors available if anyone needed to talk about what had happened. Sam wished she dared take them up on that offer.
    “Sam, you’re going to be late to school if you don’t get up. Now!” Sam’s mother yelled.
    “I’m up!” Sam screamed back, silencing her mother’s wake up calls.
    Sam hadn’t heard from Phillip the entire week, not once, not since that night in her bedroom. She had told Alex about his visit the next day and they spent the rest of the week at each other’s houses. She’d focused on analyzing what his new interest in her meant and tried to block out all thoughts of Chris and Josh. She’d badly wanted to tell Alex what had happened, but so far, she’d done a pretty good job of pretending everything was all right, that she was just like everyone else, and had gotten out of the building in time. But she was worried about going back to school. What would she do if she saw Josh or Billy?
    Sam quickly got ready for school and came downstairs. “Okay, Mom, I’m off,” Sam sad as she opened the front door.
    “All right, honey. Take care and have a wonderful day. Call if you need anything,” her mother said as she hugged Sam.
    Sam walked to her car and put her backpack in the backseat. She started the ignition just in time to see Alex pulling out of her garage on her motorcycle. Sam followed Alex all the way to school, just as they normally did, at least when Sam wasn’t late. After pulling into the school parking lot, Sam and Alex made their way toward the front entrance, as usual.
    “You ready for school?” Alex asked.
    “Not really, but ready as I’ll ever be,” Sam said as they walked into the school. “Whoa, what’s all this?” Sam looked around at the metal detectors and security officers.
    “Keep to the right,” one of the men said to Sam and Alex.
    “I guess they wanted to make sure it doesn’t happen again,” Sam commented.
    “Yeah, this is a little too extreme, don’t you think?” Alex asked.
    “You can never be too safe, I think,” Sam said with a shiver. “I’ll just have to make sure to be early to school from now on, if I’m going to get past security before the bell rings.”
    Sam and Alex finally made it past the security and headed toward their lockers.
    “Hey, look. There’s your

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