In The Name Of Love

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Book: In The Name Of Love by Jendai Rilbury Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jendai Rilbury
Tags: Erótica
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were and get a good
    night's sleep.
    It didn't take him long to undress and hang up his clothes
    in the narrow wardrobe, ready for his morning meeting. He went over to the door
    to turn out the bedroom light and caught his reflection in the full length
    mirror on the wall to his left.
    Turning his body to face the mirror, he flexed his muscles
    and made a few poses as he admired his still trim figure. He was still only 29,
    but knew of many blokes a similar age whose bodies had started to get soft and
    flabby. He looked at his dangling penis in the mirror and used muscle power to
    shake it about, and then he stopped as his reflection in the mirror seemed to
    His heart was pounding in his ears, but then he realised the
    mirror was on a hinge and was acting like a door. When it disappeared against
    an inner wall he saw a shape standing in the dark recess the mirror had
    revealed. The shape moved towards him until the bedroom light revealed Joyce
    walking towards him.
    She was wearing a silk dressing gown that swung open to
    reveal her naked body as she neared him. "Hello darling, I'm pleased to see you
    were expecting me!"
    He managed a faint, "Hello," before Joyce took his hand and
    said, "Come with me darling, my bed is larger than this one, as no doubt you

    Grant was very bleary-eyed at breakfast the next morning,
    but as he ate alone, except for a fleeting visit from April, he did not have to
    exert himself with conversation. April popped down for a cup of tea and to remind
    Grant to call around at her mother's for their clothes in the late afternoon.
    He just nodded, and continued to sort out the papers in his briefcase ready for
    the meeting in less than 90-minutes time.
    He was very nervous about the meeting, but needn't have
    been, because everything went like clockwork. The assistant manager from the
    Head Office in Manchester met him in Oldham, and they concluded the paperwork
    in time for a late lunch at a nearby pub. The manager insisted that Grant
    return to the office with him, as the senior manager wished to congratulate him
    in person on the excellent sale.
    So, it was after 4:00 p.m. when he finally set off for Leeds
    to collect their clothes and personal effects. The traffic was very bad, making
    the journey take well over an hour, so he was quite exhausted by the time he
    parked the car outside his mother-in-laws house and trudged up the path to her
    front door.
    It wasn't so much the driving, or the insurance work that
    had tired him, but the long hours satisfying Joyce's desires for most of the
    night. She told him it had been too many years since she'd had sex, and it was
    his job to make up for all the lost time. At first he was quite enthusiastic,
    because despite her middle age, her full body had lost none of its enthusiasm
    and vigour, and she kept him busy until he fell asleep in her arms in the small
    hours of the morning.
    As he waited for Edna to open the door, he turned to survey
    the drab street, glistening in the soft evening rain, and he was glad to be
    moving to one of the leafy suburbs of Stockport.
    "Come in dear, you'll get soaked in that rain," said Edna,
    holding open the front door.
    "Aw, it's only a spot of drizzle, which will be gone in no
    "I don't think so, there's heavy rain forecast," she said,
    closing the door, and leading the way into the kitchen. "I've got some
    shepherd's pie in the oven, and it should be ready about now. I expect you're
    quite hungry."
    The smell of hot food that wafted over him when he entered
    the kitchen, gave him an instant appetite. "Great, I'm starving and that smells
    Edna brought out a large bottle of beer from the fridge,
    "Get this inside you, while I dish up the dinner. I know you love a drink with
    your dinner, but April moaned if I gave you one, so the fridge is full of it."
    Grant filled his glass and emptied it in a few seconds, and
    was half-way down his second glass by the time she

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