In Consequence: A Retelling of North and South

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Book: In Consequence: A Retelling of North and South by Trudy Brasure Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trudy Brasure
he should be in earnest and not impelled by honor.
    “I had no thought for your reputation,” he answered immediately with vehemence. “I would gladly lay down my all to save your honor, but I wish to marry you because I love you ... as I believe no man has ever loved woman before,” he declared with rising ardor, his breath coming quickly in his passion.
    She did not move nor make a sound, unable to breathe or speak for the clamoring of her heart.
    His body quaked in expectation of her answer. He waited. Clinging to the hope that her silence indicated consideration, he continued his plea more gently. “I know that I am not worthy of you, but my heart cannot remain silent,” he declared with a tremulous voice. “If you will only consider me, I believe I can offer you every comfort that you may desire. I offer you my utter devotion. There is nothing....”
    “Yes,” she interjected with shortened breath, impelled by something deep within that swelled and ached at the honesty of his plea.
    The world seemed to still around her. She could scarcely believe what she had uttered.
    “Excuse me?” he asked in stunned amazement, doubting he had heard correctly.
    Summoning the courage to reaffirm her impulsive answer, she turned to face him. “I said ‘yes,'” she avowed shakily, raising her eyes to his to see the expression of incredulous wonder frozen upon his face.
    “Margaret!” he whispered hoarsely with trembling emotion. He stepped forward, stretching his arms out toward her, but stilled himself when she stiffened at his approach and hid her flushed face from his.
    He dropped his arms and stood in awkward silence for a brief moment. “I must speak to your father,” he stammered, finding recourse in speaking the words that custom would demand as he stared at her in stupefaction.
    Margaret raised her head to answer him, but could only meet his gaze briefly. “He is in his study,” she faltered, attempting to sound unaffected by the momentous weight of the occasion.
    His limbs were leaden, for although he was eager to secure her word, he was afraid to leave her, lest the spell be broken and she decide against him. He studied her demure pose for a moment before turning to go. As he climbed the stairs, he raised a silent prayer that she had spoken from the heart.
    “Mr. Hale?” he called out from the doorway of the study where the older man sat at his desk, pouring over some ancient text.
    “Is that you, John?” he responded with surprise, doffing his glasses and rising to greet his favorite pupil with a broad smile. “I did not expect you until tomorrow evening.”
    “I have come on a matter of personal business,” the Master stated with some apprehension.
    “Of course, of course ... come in,” said the former vicar, gesturing amicably. “What can I do for you?” he asked as he sat back down in his chair.
    Mr. Thornton opened his mouth for a moment before he could formulate the words. “I have come to ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage,” he announced with gravity, scarcely able to believe he was indeed asking his trusted friend for permission to marry his lovely daughter.
    Mr. Hale’s pleased expression turned into one of considerable shock. “Margaret?” he asked vacantly, attempting to recover himself. “Why I should like nothing more, John, but...ahem…perhaps you might consider trying to court her first. I don't believe she is quite appreciative of your finer qualities...” he stuttered, not wishing to offend his friend with his honest fear that Margaret might reject the proposal.
    “She has already given her consent,” the younger man answered with a growing smile.
    If Mr. Hale had been surprised before, he now struggled with absolute incomprehension. He stared at Mr. Thornton for a lingering moment a creased brow and a slackened jaw. He had been quite certain that Margaret detested the man and all that he represented. How was it that she had suddenly changed her perception of

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