In Bed with Mr. Wrong

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Book: In Bed with Mr. Wrong by Katee Robert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katee Robert
Tags: Out of Uniform#1
     nestled in next to the oranges and apples. “If circumstances were different, I might
     be impressed.”
    “ Impressed ? Of course you would! This is exactly what you want—me, trapped here where I can’t
     get away from you.”
    He dropped the condoms. “You really think I had something to do with this?”
    She wouldn’t put it past him. He’d certainly been angry enough when she’d climbed
     into Drew’s truck and left Ryan standing beside the toppled stoplight without a second
     look. But… Bri shook her head. As much as a part of her wanted to blame him, this
     had Avery and Drew written all over it. How many times had she seen their scheming
     in the year she’d known them? “Let’s leave and forget any of it ever happened.”
    “Leave? I don’t know about you, but I didn’t see any conveniently stashed snowmobiles,
     or vehicles of any kind.”
    Well, now that he pointed it out, she hadn’t either. There was only a tiny lean-to
     visible through the back window with an equally tiny stack of firewood next to it.
     Definitely no transportation hidden there. She ran her hands through her hair, nearly
     knocking off her glasses. This cabin was nowhere near big enough for the both of them,
     and she hadn’t missed the fact that there was only one bed.
    It didn’t matter. If worst came to worst, he could curl up…on the massive rug in front
     of the fireplace. Bri cringed at the sight of the white fur. God, she hoped that wasn’t
     real, because having a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace was more at home in one
     of her romance novels than the real world. And that thing was huge . The animal would have had to be hundreds upon hundreds of pounds, the spread of
     fur more than enough space for even someone as large as Ryan to lie on.
    As she rubbed her eyes, an image of his well-muscled shoulders against the white rug
     planted itself in her brain.
    Absolutely not . “Aren’t you a pararescuer? Getting people out of inhospitable conditions is part
     of your job description. So get me out of here.” Anything was better than spending
     three days closeted with him while her mind was offering up plenty of ways they could
     pass the time—none of which had to do with talking.
    “I don’t have any equipment and, between the snow and the cold, chances are one or
     both of us would end up with hypothermia before we made it back to town. When you’re
     that cold, your brain stops functioning, and it’s easy to get disoriented. We could
     get lost.”
    “We’re stuck here?” And the cabin seemed to be getting smaller with every breath she took.
    “They said they’d be back Sunday. Hell, if the weather clears before then, we can
     hike out.”
    “ If the weather clears before then? There’s no guarantee of that. It might not let up
     for the entire weekend.” Sunday seemed an eternity away. “We’re trapped here. Together.”
    “You and I work better in close quarters—the closer, the better. Maybe you should
     think of it as a chance to finish what we started the night of Avery’s party, instead
     of throwing a snit.”
    It felt curiously like the earth had fallen away beneath her. “A snit? A snit ? This is not a snit. This is a totally and completely rational response to being stranded here with a
     man I despise . And I wouldn’t touch you if you were the last person on earth!” She was screaming
     at him by the end of the sentence, but she didn’t care because he just stood there,
     as solid as a rock against the waves of her anger.
    “Right. Because you’ve been so successful keeping your hands to yourself up to this
    “That was then. This is now. It’s different.”
    “Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night.”
    She wished she had a chair at hand so she could bean him again.
    Ryan took one look at her narrowed eyes and recognized this as an argument he wouldn’t
     win. Since he was far too tempted to yank her into his arms and prove Bri had

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