Immortal Rider (LD2)

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Book: Immortal Rider (LD2) by Larissa Ione Read Free Book Online
Authors: Larissa Ione
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, Adult, Vampires
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    “Wait.” He grabbed her arm, and she resisted the urge to throw him across the chamber for touching her. Not that she could. Trying to injure Kynan was useless. “Are you making any progress in locating Arik?”
    “No,” she said softly, “I haven’t. I’m on my way back to the hellmouth, though.”
    Her cell beeped, and she checked it, expecting Than, but what she saw made her blood run both hot and cold. “Oh… God.”
    “What is it?”
    The update flashing on her underworld app filled the chamber with an eerie glow. “The gambling network. It’s buzzing.” Pains stabbed her chest, and for a second she was pretty sure she was having a heart attack. “The odds of Arik dying tomorrow just tanked.”
    “That’s good news.”
    “No,” she whispered. “It’s not.” She looked up. “The rumor is that he escaped. Odds now are that he’ll be dead in an hour.”

    “Hey, Pest.” The light tone Arik went for didn’t make it past his parched, raw throat.
    “Did you really think you were going to escape?”
    Arik swung around, hoping his wince at the painful twinge in his hip came across as a casual smile. “Nah. I broke out to get some exercise. How’d you find me, anyway?”
    Pestilence, his big body encased in tarnished armor that oozed oily stuff at the joints, rubbed his chin as though deep in thought. As if the fucker had more than one brain cell. “Spiny hellrats are my spies. But for what it’s worth, it was a noble attempt. Impressive, actually.”
    “I live for your admiration.”
    “I’m sure.”
    Arik’s stomach rumbled, the sound magnified by the tunnel’s acoustics, which was a little embarrassing. “What is it you want from me? ’Cuz I gotta tell ya, there’s very little you can do that hasn’t been done.”
    The Horseman smiled, exposing some serious fangage. “We’re going to get close, you and I. Very, very close.”
    Arik swallowed. Tried to, anyway. His throat was too dry. But he definitely didn’t like the sound of Pestilence’s close thing. “Look, I’m sure you make all the lady demons cream their panties, but I’m just not that into you.”
    “You’re into Horsemen, though, aren’t you? You’re here because you couldn’t keep your hands off my sister.” Pestilence shrugged. “I’m not judging. She’s got that unattainable bad girl quality going on. Took balls for you to kiss her, what with you being a pathetic human and all.”
    Too exhausted to banter any more, Arik slumped against the wall of the cave. “Just do whatever you came to do. Take me back to the cell. Kill me. Whatever. I’m tired of the games.”
    Pestilence was in Arik’s face in a heartbeat, his fingers wrapped around his throat. Arik didn’t even havea chance to fight back before he was lifted into the air and slammed into the stone with such force that his teeth rattled.
    “I would love to kill you right now, but I have other plans.” Pestilence knocked Arik against the wall again, and the crack of breaking bones echoed like gunshots off the stone walls.
    Pain set fire to every nerve ending. He dangled there, watching in horror as the fucker struck, sinking his huge-ass fangs into his throat. Arik punched, scratched, struggled as hard as he could, but nothing he did seemed to faze Pestilence.
    Gradually, blood loss sapped his strength, until his struggles amounted to little more than spastic twitches. He became lightheaded, woozy, and eventually all the pains and aches melted away, leaving him blissfully numb.
    Pestilence lifted his head, and though Arik’s vision had gone dark, he felt the rasp of the dude’s tongue sliding over the punctures. Crazily, Arik’s only thought was how vampire-like the whole thing was.
    Pestilence released him, and he dropped heavily to the ground, landing in a crumpled, motionless heap. Arik heard the clank of armor, and then something was against his mouth, and warm liquid was flowing over his tongue. At first, he was grateful for the

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