IGO: Sudden Snow

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Book: IGO: Sudden Snow by RaeLynn Blue Read Free Book Online
Authors: RaeLynn Blue
“Understandable,” he said, reduced to answering one word at a time. His thoughts were clouded over by the roaring of his passion. He had to be sure.
    “I want to thank you for being a stand-up guy,” she said, pulling him closer to her juicy, moist lips. Her eyes were brimming with want, and Darryl wrestled with his craving to touch her, to snatch her against him, throw her to the ground and have her until they could stand it no more.
    She kissed him so strongly, Darryl fell into her. His hands moved down to those gorgeous plump cheeks, clutching her to him. It was heaven to feel their weight in his hands at last. Her soft moans met his ears and he caressed her butt, stoking the growing heat coiled inside him. Darryl broke the kiss and whispered to her, “Are you sure this -- I’m what you want?”
    “Yes,” she breathed, and yanked him back down to her delicious mouth.
    He halted her progress, staring at her as her eyes opened and locked onto his. He ran his thumb across her bottom lip and stared into her eyes.
    “Yes, of course,” she replied impatiently. “Kiss me. Touch me, Darryl.”
    He so wanted to obey that order, but he had to be sure. “Cricket, this isn’t some ill-placed payment, or something you feel you owe me,” he explained, diligently searching her face for the truth. He had to be convinced she wanted him because she did , and for no other reason.
    “It isn’t,” she purred. Her hands glided over his torso, across his corded muscles. “I want you, right now. Right here. I wanted you yesterday, hell, the very moment you came into the Collection Unit.”
    Darryl’s pulse leapt at those words and he relaxed. All the hunger he’d previously held back he released. Running a finger up and down the seam of her pants that parted her beautiful cheeks into lovely halves, he quivered. She moaned. Her ample ass fit his hands so right, and the softness of her skin made his cock spring to life.
    “Ah, you like that,” he whispered against her ear, allowing his finger to draw slow circles around her pants where he envisioned her sexual warmth to be. Watching her squirm against him, he added, “Yeah, you do.”
    Cricket tossed her head back and pushed her pelvis forward, gyrating into him. He hoisted her up by her ass, and she wrapped her legs around his waist at once. He carried her over to the bed and laid her gently down onto the foam mattress. He stood up, drinking her in.
    Damn, she’s so, so fantastic, and she doesn’t even know it .
    Her lovely curves, flawless chocolate skin, and sexy sensuality wrenched his cock up to new rigidness. It’d been years since he’d loved a woman -- a real live one. He crashed into her, and the two of them became a tangle of arms and legs, lips and licks. Never had he ever been so impulsive. His logical and reasonable self shot out reprimands, but his body gleefully ignored them.
    She rubbed her breasts through her sweater, eyes at half mast. She leveled a straight look at him and moaned, low and luscious. Beneath the sweater’s thick weaving, the tight peaks pointed at him as if saying they wanted him to come on over and nibble them.
    “I know you want me,” Cricket whispered, tweaking her nipples between her forefingers and thumbs. “I can see your desire.”
    “And I can see yours,” he retorted.
    He removed his boots and slowly untied hers before removing them as well. The boots made a thud as they crashed to the floor. He climbed onto the bed, straddling her thighs. His hands couldn’t stop touching her, as if they had a mind of their own. She trembled in anxiousness but he didn’t want to rush this, though the exquisite ache of his cock, pulsating in its need, threatened to send him into a frenzy.
    As if a gift, her scrumptious breasts were unwrapped from her sweater before him. Clad in a scarlet bra, they begged to be free of the article and in his mouth.
    “You have the most beautiful breasts I’ve ever seen,” he said, his throat thick with

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