If Tomorrow Never Comes

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Book: If Tomorrow Never Comes by Elizabeth Lowe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lowe
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response wasn't necessary she was struck dumb by spearing eyes
expressing immeasurable intensity, emerald orbs that never moved, or abandoned
the gold threatening to paralyze him.   Hypnotized by his features becoming fierce, and disdainful, Jordan
missed entirely his hand raising slowly, the rough, calloused fingers curling
around hers to seize control of the knife.

her cold and deadly disguise, it was impossible to ignore the soft flesh, and
fragile bones beneath his touch.    Thankfully, sanity arriving in time ignited sufficient rage that goaded
him into pressing the knife forward.   Both
stood ground as eyes' dueled, his dark and inscrutable, hers glistening bright
nuggets worthy of a lightning bolt.  

instant their flesh touched, Jordan felt swallowed by her heartbeats.   She was aghast when she felt the knife sink
easily into soft layers of flesh and muscle, the shiny steal tip becoming lost
within brawny depths.   Horrified by his
reaction her heart careened like an elevator fifty floors as she watched
crimson fluid trickle through kinky curls downward to the gun tucked into his

    Enlightened eyes
flicked back to his.   There was no longer
a shadow of doubt; Morgan was as stone cold dead inside as his features were
outside.   In the churning, every changing
depths of green, there was no trace of fear, or pain only an outrage lurking,
the kind she recognized and understood.   She shuddered.   

crushing bone, Jake diverted the blade upward ever so gently positioning the
bloody tip against the tender skin beneath Jordan’s chin.   Though vexation slowed his breathing and
fanned the blazing furnace of his soul bringing beads of perspiration to his
forehead, his breath remained cold as ice penetrating the frozen space
separating them convincing Jordan that even carefully screened quaking would
crumble it. Unbearable moments lingered before his voice rumbled like an

    “This is the third time
you have threatened my life, and the last. If you're stupid enough to consider
a fourth, I strongly suggest you make it good.”

the blade with slow purpose, he traced her chin, the translucent flesh of her
slender neck, down to the base of her throat where her heart was racing.   She felt, the deadly edge, its sharp apex,
and her predator's moist blood dripping sickeningly onto her skin.   Sensations that bludgeoned her lung’s, and
escalated palpitations that screeched to a halt the instant the weapon came to
rest between her breasts.  

breath from his words was like frostbite, “Fearing no one, I welcome
death.   It would end my miserable life.
But, allow me to make myself crystal clear.”   Deliberately pausing to heighten her fear, he pressed the knife
sufficiently to make a slight dimple in her skin before continuing, “I will not
die alone.    Should you decide to gamble
the odds you had better be precise and swift.   Take no time to think or bat an eyelash or you’ll never draw another
breath.   Keep in mind, vixen, for a long
time I've fantasized about killing a woman.   There's a first time for everything.   For you to be my guinea pig would bring me immense pleasure.”

his breath touched her skin, she felt suffocated and wondered if his breath
alone had paralyzed her because she stood stiff as though charmed like a snake
her eyes transfixed.   She wondered why
his threats had shot spine tingling thrills the length of her then as quickly
as the questions roamed her mind the answers came.   Morgan was a mortal, who had conquered fear
and pain, pulverized to the core, just like her.   Full force insight struck without a doubt, he
could and would do what he said, just as she would.  

green globes dove into caves of molten gold

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