If The Shoe Fits
pulsed through her. He wanted her. And she wanted
    The stunning realization made her gasp. She
wanted to marry him. Not for King’s Department Store. For
    Coming to his side, she felt the tinge of
warmth on her cheeks. Almost shy now, she said, “Hi.” It came out
in a breathy voice.
    “Hi, yourself, beautiful.” His mouth curved
into a smile.
    In a matter of minutes, she’d finally get to
feel those lips on hers. Disconcerted, she said the first thing
that popped into her head. “Do you come here often?”
    His lips twitched. “As a matter of fact, I
    Covering her mouth with a hand, she giggled.
“Yes, I guess you do. After all, it’s your grandparents’
    He chuckled along with her.
    “Of course, you skinned your knees here as a
boy, caught more than your share of frogs, and dug a few holes here
and there.”
    “Ah, I see you’ve been talking to my
grandmother. All that and I made a pest of myself,” he added
    Alex sobered as he took in every inch of her.
He liked it when she wore her hair back and soft tendrils framed
her beautiful face. Her bare shoulders revealed silky smooth skin
he longed to touch. The dress, white and satin, molded to her
exquisite curves and flared out near her ankles. Simple. Classic.
Elegant. Just like Charlie.
    A flash of color peeked out from under her
hem, catching his attention. He looked closer. “The red shoes,
    She giggled. “The one and the same pair. What
is it with you and the shoes anyway?”
    Smiling widely, he recalled the first time
he’d met her. She crashed into him holding the strappy heels. He
held her to him briefly, but a moment was all it had taken to want
more of her. More warmth flooded him at the memory.
    The minister interrupted his thoughts. “Are
we ready to begin?”
    “Yes,” Charlotte said.
    “No,” Alex broke in.
    Gasps echoed all around him.
    “Alex, my boy—”
    “Just a minute, Gramps.”
    He turned to her and witnessed the
crestfallen look on her face. She frowned. “But, I thought—”
    “Wait. Before we do, I have to tell you
    “Is this why you tried to see me earlier?”
Worry gathered in her eyes.
    She lowered her voice. “Don’t you want to
marry me?”
    “Yes, but I have a confession to make.”
    More gasps, and louder this time, rang
    He turned to the crowd, saying, “Not
    A few chuckles broke the tension.
    “Alex, you’re making me nervous. What is
    He swiped a hand over his brow. “It’s the
    “Cards? Did he say cards?” Gramps nearly
    “Yes, Gramps, I did.” He pressed a hand over
his eyes. Finally, he gave a sigh, dropped his hand, and then
looked into her…laughing eyes? “Are you—?”
    She nodded, beginning to giggle.
    “The cards. All the same suit. All aces. You
knew?” Wonder rushed through him, and then dawning struck.
    “Blame Dolly,” she choked out between fits of
    He twisted around to look at the older woman
fishing out a new deck of cards from her purse. “Works every time,
Mr. R. Like a charm.” She chuckled. “Hey, get it? Prince Charming,
works like a charm.”
    Suddenly the garden rang with the sweet sound
of hearty laughter.
    “Remember, Alex, never bet against a sure
thing,” Charlie reminded him. “Not in ice cream—”
    “Or cards. Or you.” Alex stepped closer to
Charlie, cupping her face in the palms of his hands. “Sweet
Charlie, you knew all along.”
    “Not really. I figured it out along the
    “If you didn’t agree to marry me because of
the bet, then why did you agree to marry me?”
    “Turquoise,” she whispered.
    All because of my favorite color?
    She stood on tip-toes and, ever so gently,
brushed her lips against his. He sucked in a breath at the tender
touch and the sweet taste of her.
    “Hey, aren’t you supposed to wait until you
say your I dos first?” someone from the crowd called

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