Icefall (Dane Maddock Adventures)

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Book: Icefall (Dane Maddock Adventures) by David Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Wood
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large to move. Lazarus is here. ”
    He hurried to the back wall, cursing himself for cowardice. Keeping the secret had been a simple thing when it was only a matter of misleading researchers, but an armed man was more than he had ever bargained for. His fingers searched the rough, shadowed surface until it found what he was searching for- the odd carving of three joined hares. Some said it was a symbol of the Trin ity, but Andre knew it to be an evil pagan symbol. Grimacing, he pressed his hand to the hateful symbol and pushed. The stone slowly gave way. When he heard it click, he turned it to the right once, twice, three times. It locked into place and, behind him, Andre heard a grinding sound. He turned to see the foundation stone slide back, revealing a dark hole the size and shape of a grave.
    The man shone his light down into the darkness where the beam fell on a small stone box inscribed with the same three hares symbol.
    “ Open it. ”
    Andre did not hesitate, but clambered inside, turning his ankle in the process. Trying to ignore the burning pain, he knelt down by the ossuary. He had never actually laid eyes on it before. Taking a deep breath, he took hold of the lid and heaved.
    It was a struggle. He was not a strong man and the lid was heav y, but fear had his adrenaline pumping and he was able to wrestle it free and slide it to the side. Despite his terror, he could not help but feel a thrill at knowing what was inside. The air in the ossuary smelled of dust and age. Andre leaned closer to see what lay inside.
    The shaft of light shone on a perfectly preserved skull. He found he could not breathe, but it was not due to fear – that had been forgotten. He was gazing upon the remains of Lazarus himself, whom God incarnate had raised from the dead.
    “ Take it out and hand it to me. ” Despite having found what he sought, the man sou nded angry.
    Andre reached in and gently cupped the skull in his trembling hands. Though the air down here was cool, a solitary bead of sweat rolled off his forehead and dropped to the floor , making a crater in the dust at the bottom of the ossuary. Slowly, carefully, he raised the skull to eye level and took one long look at it before handing it over to his captor.
    The man turned the skull in one hand, scowling. He shone his light back down into the ossuary.
    “ There ’ s nothing else? ”
    “ No. ” The fear was back , twisting his insides into a queasy knot . “ We have had only the skull , nothing more, for many centuries. ”
    The man moved the skull to the crook of his left arm, took the flashlight in his left hand, and drew his gun with his right. He leveled the weapon at Andre ’ s head.
    “ What was the secret? ” The bearlike voice was now a scratchy whisper. “ How did he bring Lazarus back from the dead? ”
    Andre gaped. Did the man not know the story?
    “ By the power of God. He spoke the word and Lazarus rose from the dead. ”
    Fire lanced through Andre’s leg as a sound like a thousand thunderclaps erupted in the cry pt . He slumped to the ground clutching his wounded thigh. He had never dreamed such pain was possible.
    “ Last chance to live, ” the man snarled. “ What is the secret? How was he brought back? ”
    “ I only know what the scriptures tell us. ” Andre ’ s voice was a whimper. “ I do not know any secret. ”
    “ Are you sure? ”
    Andre nodded. “ I know nothing. Please, let me go. ”
    The flashlight winked out, leaving them in absolute darkness. Pulse pounding in his ears, Andre strained to listen for any sounds, hoping to hear receding footsteps that would mean his terror and suffering were at an end. Silently he prayed, eyes squeezed shut. He heard the soft tread of footsteps and then...
    The loud scraping of stone on stone filled the room. He tried to get to his feet, but his wounded leg betrayed him and he fell down hard. Summoning all his remaining strength, he hurled everything he had into the effort, and sprang

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