I Promised You - William and Ophelia

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Book: I Promised You - William and Ophelia by Carol Colbert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carol Colbert
Tags: romance 1600s, ghost adventure, cozy mystery humor, romance 2016
held the necklace high.
The wind picked up quickly and soon there was a whirlwind of
activity around her.

    The wind blew very strongly
and the necklace in Ophelia’s hand started to glow brightly in the
night. Waves of color, blues, reds, greens, and yellow filled the
night sky along with shooting stars. Ophelia pointed to the figure
of her husband still in the swing and said “goodbye my love.” Soon
there was no swing, no woman in the garden, only a gold and blue
heavy fog, which drifted out to sea.


    Thelma came downstairs wearing a very lovely
long blue gown.

    “Thelma, you look beautiful, I didn’t know
that we were supposed to dress up for tonight, should I go and see
what I can find to change into?” Ophelia asked her cousin.

    “No, you are fine, shall we go?”

    “Right now?”


    “But Luna is not here yet.” Ophelia said,
looking out the window and seeing the heavy blue mist fog that
Thelma had told her about earlier was already hanging heavy in the

    “Yes, they are all waiting for us.”

    “All? Who is all? Is Hugo coming too?”


    “You are being very mysterious tonight,
cousin. It is beautiful outside. I wish only that my mother could
be here to see it.” Ophelia said.

    “Gertie is with you always, as is your Aunt
Ophelia for whom you were named for.” Thelma answered her.

    Ophelia and Thelma walked to the back of the
house and down the long path behind the smaller house. They walked
into the vast grassy area that stretched for several miles before
the woods came into full view.

    The snow and ice made everything shine and
sparkle under the moon like a winter wonderland. She and Thelma
continued walking towards what appeared to be a very large

    “A bonfire! How cool is that!” Ophelia

    They walked up to the bonfire and there was
Luna and Hugo, as well as the miniature ponies Caramel, Zippy and
Ace. Ophelia was shocked to see that Janet, the nice lady from The
Spa was also in attendance. Thelma motioned Ophelia to a chair and
as she sat down she almost screamed out as the cat from the Village
jumped on her lap. The funny looking cat with the orange hair,
black noes and white tail. “You again! What is this really all

    Thelma walked closer to the fire and took her
place next to Luna and Hugo. “Ophelia, we told you that the time
had come to leave our home so that the Great Evil and others would
not destroy our family. It was imperative that we all leave there
and quickly, but we also had to be very careful. A mass exodus
would have been noticed and although the people of the forest were
on our side, we could not take anything for granted.” Luna

    “Okay, so, hum...” Ophelia said, looking at

    “We had to devise a plan, one that would get
us out of harm’s way, but one that would attract the least
attention. I have told you about Julia, and about her son. Julia
was very powerful, although she had hidden it well. What we did not
tell you is that Julia escaped and came to Enchanted with us,
although back then Enchanted was not as it is today.”

    “How?” Was the only word that Ophelia could
squeak out of her lips at the moment, her mouth felt very dry.

    “Julia had a ring. A very powerful,
beautiful, red ring. With this ring she was able to transport
people, over mountains, oceans, no matter, the ring was that
powerful and did its job well. It can also function as a tracking
device and it recharges itself with the rays of the sun.” Luna

    “We told you of the couple who were hired to
be companions to the King’s second cousin, Julia.” Luna said. “

    “Yes, I remember, Cynthia and her husband Ash
and they were on Julia’s side along with my mother.”

    “To make their plan work, Julia had let it be
known that she was going to the next town to shop. She left with
Cynthia as her companion and they had one of the miniature horses
pull the wagon.” Luna continued.

    “What about

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