I Lost My Mobile At the Mall

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Book: I Lost My Mobile At the Mall by Wendy Harmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wendy Harmer
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as Jai wanted, every time Will thinks of me he sees me covered in yoghurt, dribble or hair. This is beyond depressing! After all, aren't I Will's 'little leg rope'? He always says that I'm strong and independent and he's never complained before that I crowd him. Maybe I am giving him a hard time. Without my mobile I can't help thinking that everyone's talking behind my back.
    I didn't get to mention the dance coming up soon. There's lots of stuff to arrange. Who's dropping us off? Who's picking us up? What are we going to wear ? I have to look OTT this year and with money tight and everything I'll probably be forced to make a secret raid on the heap of clothes on Tilly's floor. I know she's got some great stuff – somewhere under there. Even if Will is a bit turned off by those pics of me, my utterly gorgeous Tilly ensemble will obliterate them from his mind!
    I drag my sorry self back to The Dungeon and slump in my chair. When I look at the screen I see that there's an eye2eye from Bianca on FacePlace.
    Hey Els. Reeelly miss U. Jai out with boys. Wanna catch movie?
    In truth, about the last person on earth I want to see is Bianca Ponsford, but then I remember what Dad says:
'Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.'
    I google this saying and find out it's by Sun Tzu, who wrote this book called The Art of War in 400 BC or something like that. It's all about the strategies you should use against your enemy when you are going into battle. This dude's also got a couple of other ideas that appeal:
O divine art of subtlety and secrecy! Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible; and hence we can hold the enemy's fate in our hands.
All warfare is based on deception.
Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.
    With all this in mind I write back to Bianca:
    C U at Majestic in 1 hour.
    I have to keep Bianca close to me so that she doesn't try to meet Jai and ruin Tilly's little surprise party. I have to make it seem like I'm totally, randomly in the moment with her as a BF even though I am plotting her boyfriend's downfall. I hate to deceive Bianca, but this is the ancient, divine art of warfare and she has, unfortunately, aligned herself with my enemy. She is a part of the Axis of Evil. Her fate is now in my hands!
    I am just about to get dressed when there's a ping on the computer and I see it's an eye2eye from Carmelita:
    Hey Elly.
    I've been checking out Jai's FacePlace and some of the pages of the
crew at Oldcastle High and there are heaps of people paying out on him!
    I reckon you are totally winning the war on Jai. He's a bully and a
bogan! You look funny and cute and adorable in those pics.
    Sometimes people get jealous of you (and only a Total BFF can
tell you that). But those pics just make them see how fun you are! And
why I miss you soooo much!!!
    So stay strong and don't mind what others say. Everything will be
cool. Luv ya! Miss ya heaps!
    Carmelita XXX
    Erk! Could this be true? When I go to Jai's FacePlace and brave the vile pics one more time, I see that there are in fact a lot of messages paying out on him.
    UR stupid,Jai.
    Wot a lowlife d***head!
    Not fair.UR nasty and mean.
    Got pix of Jai in his undies – anyone wanna see?
    Eeeyew! No tks.
    Elly's got more class in her little finger than Jai's got in his whole body.
    Honestly, I feel like crying. Goes to show there is some justice in cyberspace after all! When I think of Tilly's plan, I wonder if we might be going too far. I remember that I felt a bit uneasy about it when she first told me. I hear Tilly's door slam in the South Wing and I tear into the kitchen. She's grabbing her car keys off the hook and winding a leopard-print chiffon scarf around her slim neck.
    ' It's payback time! ' she sings.
    I babble that I'm not sure that we should do it. Maybe Sun

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