Hyacinth, Scarlet - Fire of the Four Seasons (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

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Book: Hyacinth, Scarlet - Fire of the Four Seasons (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) by Scarlet Hyacinth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlet Hyacinth
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place. There, he summoned the forces of the earth and used his magic to create a pedestal. He placed the icy coffin on the pedestal.
    When he finished, he sensed his lovers approach. “Alexei is sleeping,” Visnah whispered. “We figured you could use some help.”
    Ohsyn turned toward then. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt,” he answered. In truth, their mere presence helped, just like it always did . However, Eva’s icy sanctuary needed a few final touches. First, Visnah placed his hands over the coffin and threads of ivy emerged, shielding it in a beautiful cocoon. Zimah then took a step forward and blew over the vegetation. Instant ly , it turned to solid ice. Beyond, Eva remained visible, shining like a priceless gem, but the outer shield would keep her safe. Final ly , Ly etah joined them as well. He placed the sleeping Alexei down and, together, they created a circle around Eva. Their joined magic swirled around them, beautiful and intense, making Eva’s sanctuary impervious to all forces. On ly true love could break through now.
    With the spell in place, one task remained. They needed to tell Elga and Igor of their children’s fate. None of them looked forward to it.
    “Let’s take Alexei home,” Zimah said at last. “We’ll see what we can do about the rest later.”
    It did n’t surprise Ohsyn when Zimah’s reference of home turned out to be their world. Now, Alexei would no longer be able to fit in with the humans. Ohsyn wondered how Alexei would take the news when he woke. He on ly hoped Alexei would agree to stay with them.

Chapter Six

    Alexei opened his eyes to an unfamiliar room. He blinked to clear the dizziness and focus his vision. The chamber held a surreal quality Alexei had encountered a few times before in the past days. Airy, yet hot, it was decorated in light, sunny colors, the distinct ly masculine furniture complemented by the tall windows that let in cheerful rays from outside. He did n’t have to think too much to realize he’d somehow ended up in his four men’s home.
    Memories flashed through his mind at the thought—Eva’s new idea, the wolf attack, his men’s appearance, and the fire consuming him whole. After one point, he on ly recalled shifting s had ows, a blaze within him and outside him, a peculiar, unexplainable sensation of turning into something else. The pain slow ly dwindled until at last, Alexei awoke on a still burning pyre with the sudden knowledge of what his lovers had been forced to do to save him. Even if he hadn’t actually been awake through it, he strangely understood Ly etah had been forced to push Alexei into the fire.
    And then Alexei remembered Eva’s icy coffin. He couldn’t help but fear for her, but in his heart, he knew all would be well. There were so many things in heaven and earth that he still did n’t understand, but for whatever reason, the Goddess protected him and Eva. Alexei hoped his men would at least be able to answer some of his questions.
    A warm presence materialized at his side. “You’re awake,” Ly etah said. “How do you feel?”
    Alexei smiled at the other man. He knew the entire experience had been hardest on Ly etah. Alexei couldn’t even fathom how Ly etah found the courage to do what was needed. He took his lover’s hand and squeezed it. “Never better,” he answered, even if some fatigue still lingered. “What about you?”
    Ly etah gave him a surprised look that soon turned into bemusement. “It’s so like you to worry about others when you’ve just bare ly avoided death.” Ly etah’s expression changed, and he seemed to close off. “Sorry about that ,” he finished. “I shouldn’t have mentioned it.”
    Alexei shook his head. “It’s all right. I think you suffered more than me.”
    And tru ly , he did n’t have a doubt it had been so. Half the time, Alexei remained out of it while his men had been forced to acknowledge the imminence of his demise. Death was always hardest on those left

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